Possible Duplicates and Conflicts in 1Pasword 8

Community Member

I just have upgraded to 1Password 8, and so far, I am loving it! Just have some really basic questions.
1. I have the 1Password icon in my menu bar and also it shows up as an icon for the extension in my browser (Safari). Do, I need it in both places, or is it redundant to have it in the two places?
2. When I installed the 1Password extension into Safari, I ended up with a 1Password for Safari application icon in my Applications folder, alongside the actual 1Password app. Usually the extensions install directly into the browser and are not shown as separate apps within the Applications folder. Is this a bug?
3. My Watchtower score is different on my Mac from the score I receive on my Android phone. The Mac gives me a watchtower score of 924 and the Android phone gives me a score of 962. The apps on the two devices appear to be syncing correctly so I do not understand this discrepancy.

Thank you! Please keep up the good work!

1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: 2.3.7
OS Version: MacOS version 12.5
Browser:_ Safari


  • Hi @glindsey,

    Thanks so much for your kind words, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying 1Password 8 so far! I'll do my best to answer your questions in order:

    1. You don't need to have the 1Password icon in your menu bar for the app or the browser extension to work, it's up to how you prefer to use 1Password. In the 1Password preferences, you can choose whether or not you'd like the menu bar icon to be visible, and you can also customize what clicking it does:

    2. Good observation, thankfully not a bug! To allow for better integration with Safari, our Safari browser extension exists as a separate app. You won't need to launch it for the browser extension to function though, and all your 1Password browser extension settings can be accessed directly in Safari. 🙂

    3. Could I confirm you're in the same account/collection on both devices? On the Mac desktop app you can check this in the top left and on the 1Password 8 Android app you can check this by tapping the icon in the top right. If so, I'd also like to confirm that you see the same alerts in Watchtower on both devices (duplicate/weak passwords, expiring items, inactive two-factor authentication).

    We can troubleshoot further from there. Let me know what you find or if you have any questions!

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