1PW8 disable auto-submit in the browser?

Chris Leishman
Chris Leishman
Community Member

I found a previous post on this topic, but I'm unclear if it was specifically related to 1PW8.

I can't find a way to disable auto-submit in the browser when using 1PW8, and that makes it horribly broken on a number of sites. So much so that downgrading to 1PW7 is really the only option.

Is it definitely not available?

1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: 2.3.7
OS Version: macOS 12.5
Browser:_ Safari


  • GreyM1P
    edited August 2022

    Hi there,

    It sounds like you might be using Universal Autofill by pressing ⌘\ (Command-Backslash) – that will indeed auto-submit by simulating a press of the ↩ Enter key when it's done.

    If you want a form to fill but not auto-submit, you can use the shortcut to use 1Password in the browser, which is usually ⇧⌘X (Shift–Command–X). That will open the 1Password browser extension and you can press ↩ Enter to autofill an item from there.

    Alternatively, if you see the suggested Login for a page below the form (in the inline menu), you can press the ↓ down arrow key to highlight it, then press ↩ Enter to autofill.

    Have a try of those methods and let me know how things go. :)

    – Grey

  • sorakat
    Community Member

    Add me to the large community of people asking to have the ability to disable auto-submit. Auto-submit has caused me issues in the past (Wells Fargo being a major one as the auto-submit breaks the log in). So I've never used it. You guys have already turned it off and explained your reasoning in this blog post (https://blog.1password.com/1password-7.2-for-mac-welcome-to-the-dark-side/). So why did you change course and turn it back on. And even worse, forced it onto us instead of making it an option?

    I have been using ⌘\ (Command-Backslash) for years now and have it committed to muscle memory. Just now I did try the ⇧⌘X (Shift–Command–X) keyboard shortcut (Firefox with the extension), but it didn't work and did nothing. Plus, it's rather awkward key combo to use as I am so used to using the left Shift and ⌘. So another hit against the removal of this key feature.

    Needless to say, I'm glad that I found out how 1Password 8 forces this back on us before I upgraded. So for now, there is no way I will upgrade to version 8 and stay on version 7 until auto-submit has been made optional so I can turn it off.

  • MGDominguez
    Community Member

    It might be a Safari only combo, or something else in Firefox, but the ⇧⌘X does work for me, it fills but doesn't auto-submit. I feel it adds more steps to what was a simple combo before, but apparently that's the way 1Password is heading.

  • Chris Leishman
    Chris Leishman
    Community Member

    I've never even encountered ⇧⌘X before. I just tried it, and it only sort of works. It opens the 1PW8 suggestions. Then I can click an 'autofill' button, which fills without submitting. But that's not a solution by any stretch.

  • Chris Leishman
    Chris Leishman
    Community Member

    Hi Grey, thanks for your comment. I've tried it, and as mentioned, it sort-of works. Before your comment I hadn't realized that I can press ↩ Enter to trigger the auto-fill, which does improve things somewhat. But we're still talking a change from the very-long-term muscle memory of ⌘\, to a very awkward combo of ⇧⌘X followed by ↩.

    Given the autofill behaviour is still in the code, it would seem trivial to restore the option to have ⌘\ only do autofill.

    I also wonder if that autofill only should be the default. As mentioned in other threads, the auto-submit feature can actually be problematic (if not dangerous) in many situations: it ends up auto-submiting many forms that should require a user to explicitly initiate that action. I know some would argue that's a design flaw in those forms, but they're common enough, and the consequences problematic enough, that they can't just be waved away.

  • jason_k
    Community Member

    I just wanted to add that I tripped over the same thing as Chris. After upgrading to 1Password 8, I noticed that it was auto-submitting after filling in passwords, and that there seemed to be no way to disable it.

    Hopefully a preference is in the works. I don't think ⇧⌘X is a reasonable workaround for most users — I'm not even sure how I would've figured out that hotkey combo without finding this thread, and it's not the streamlined workflow we know and love. I think most of just want the option to turn it off, or better yet, to follow the rationale from the 1Password blog post mentioned above and have it disabled by default. :)

  • jason_k
    Community Member

    Coming back to this thread because this issue keeps tripping me up occasionally. Auto-submit is particularly problematic when a login page has extra fields like a CAPTCHA (which will obviously fail if you skip it entirely and hit submit) or a "keep me logged in" type check box.

    A preference to turn this off would be greatly appreciated, even if there's no hope of disabling this behavior once again by default.

  • lnemekhbayar
    Community Member

    100% agree with jason_k 's comment. Please provide us with an option. Note that the action name "Autofill" is itself misleading, as it does more things than you expect, it auto-fills AND submits, which is not very good UX. Maybe have 2 options "Autofill" + "Autofill & Submit" ?

  • Hi folks:

    Thanks for following up. While I can't share any specifics or when we'll be adding this, what I can tell you is that is adding an option to disable this or control when auto-submit is used is on our radar.


  • Hi folks, happy to share we have an update about this! The option to toggle autosubmit has been added to our nightly build. If you're already on it, you can try this out now in your preferences. If not, you can change your release channel, though keep in mind the nightly builds undergo less testing than Beta and Production and are therefore more likely to behave in unexpected ways:


    If you prefer to wait for further testing, I recommend turning on automatic updates and, optionally, keeping an eye on our 1Password for Mac Beta Release Notes. Let me know if you have any questions and we look forward to your feedback. 🙂

This discussion has been closed.