Importing local vault

Community Member

I had a vault that I created locally that ends with .opvault I copied yesterday the vault to another laptop via airdrop, now it appears in the new laptop as a folder still ending in .opvault but I can't open it up in 1password.

1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.3
Browser:_ Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:import local


  • Hi @Yeshco:

    1Password 8 only works with 1Password accounts, and doesn't support standalone vaults synced with iCloud, Dropbox, or another service. Do you currently have a 1Password account?


    ref: QWA-58695-296

  • andrewleung
    Community Member

    Is it not possible to have a .opvault file with 1password 8? I was using this like a hardware wallet in crypto where the file can be offline to the internet? Is it possible to emulate a similar situation?

  • @andrewleung

    1Password 8 no longer supports older standalone vaults. Our founder Dave wrote a mini-essay where he talks about our decision regarding standalone vaults here: The future of local/standalone vaults — 1Password Support Community

    Unlike older standalone vaults that are only protected using your password, your 1Password account data is protected and encrypted using a secret that is derived from both your account password and your Secret Key. Without both your account password and Secret Key it's impossible for someone to decrypt your 1Password account vaults.

    You can read more about using 1Password to manage cryptocurrency on our blog: How to use 1Password to manage cryptocurrency


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