Password history

Community Member

In every version of 1Password I've used, going back a decade, a Login item would show the history of password changes so that if something went wrong with a change, it was possible to see the previous version. I'm not seeing this information in 1Password 8 for Mac (8.8.0).

Was this lost with the rewrite? Is it coming back?

1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 12.5
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • DavidB
    Community Member

    In 1Password 7, you could hover over the password field of a login item and click the drop-down menu > View Password History to see a list of previous passwords.

    With 1Password 8, you can get to the list in the same way, but it only shows asterisks; to see the actual passwords, you unfortunately have to hover over each individual one and click the drop-down menu > Reveal.

  • Hi @ddougan, thanks for this question. @DavidB is correct, you can still access password history, and do so by going to the item's password field, the drop-down arrow, then View password history > Reveal.

    Let me know if this solves the issue for you - and thank you @davidb for the thoughtful reply!

  • ddougan
    Community Member

    Ah, thanks! I was looking further down the dialog, below the URLs and expecting to see it there.

  • On behalf of Peter, you're welcome.

  • schnaubelbaer
    Community Member

    I changed a password in an email item & unfortunately the option with the history does not show up - can you help?

  • @schnaubelbaer

    Our developers are currently looking into an issue where password history doesn't appear for certain types of items (such as Email Account items) when a password is changed. I'll add your report to the internal work item that we have open for the issue. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

    In the meantime, you can restore a previous version of the item that contains the old password using (in the browser): View and restore previous versions of items


    ref: dev/core/core#17252

This discussion has been closed.