How do I link 1password items (login details) to an app? and/or view the link?

Community Member

How do I link 1password items (login details) to an app?

To be clear, when i go to a website on iOS browser or in windows or similar, 1password knows to check the web-page to the 'website' field in the password database to find a match and offer relevant passwords for logging in. This also means that you can add multiple website addresses to a item/record in 1password which share the same login account (eg a main site and then a forum which share a login)

However, when using an app in iOS 1password does not cross reference the app name to the password database, and there is no 'app' field in the 1password item/record which can be seen or edited to link the app to a particular item/record. This means for every app for which a login already exists in 1password, you need to search for the app name manually to find the login required.
Is there a way to do this manually?

The only solution I can think of, which is very long winded, is to create a new 1password item/record from within the app, and then copy all the data from the original item/record to the new one and then delete the original item/record. This would need to be repeated for every app I have on my iphone, which would take a long long time.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided

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