Sync vaults using Dropbox on 1Password 8

Community Member

Hi, I am and old 1Password 7 user, that have recently updated to 1Password 8, to make it easer for my family to share passwords. No problem here, but I also have a group of friends who still use 1Password 7. We used to share vaults using DropBox. They don't want to upgrade, as 1Password 7 (stand alone version), meets all their needs.
Is there a way to sync vaults with Dropbox on 1Password 8 as we used to do on 1Password 7?
I am happy with 1Password 8, but if its not compatible with its previous version I will not have another choice that to cancel my subscription and go back to 1Password 7 😞
Can you please help me?

1Password Version: 8.8.0 and 7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 12.5.1
Browser:_ Safari
Referrer: forum-search:Sync vaults using Dropbox on 1Password 8.


  • Hi @Ignacio929:

    Great question. One of our founders, Dave, touched on the history of standalone vaults, as well as the future of 1Password.

    The future of local/standalone vaults

    In short, standalone vaults are no longer a part of 1Password, and 1Password 7 is the last version of 1Password to support standalone vaults synced with iCloud, Dropbox, or another sync method..


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