App only password

Community Member

My wife has created a login for an organization that only uses an App. There is no associated website with the App. The Login can be found and entered in 1Password for IOS, but a search must be made each time to find it. Is there any way to associate the Login with the App without a URL?

1Password Version: 8.9.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: IOS 15.6.1
Browser:_ App Only
Referrer: forum-search:IOS App only password


  • Hi @Airbusky:

    Great question. When you open this app and search for it in 1Password to fill, does 1Password say "Suggestions for"?

    If a domain is shown there, then adding that domain to this Login item will result in it being shown in the future. Let me know!


  • Airbusky
    Community Member

    Hello Jack,
    There are no suggestions but a search will find the entry and insert the email and password. Here is what is seen when trying to log into the App. Tapping "Passwords" on the virtual keyboard will bring up the second image.

  • @Airbusky

    is the app one that I can download and see if I can find a solution. If so, can you share a link to the app store version? It may be that the app does not Support Associated Domains | Apple Developer Documentation and that is used to identify if something can be filled. It might be that you need to reach out to the developer for help with this.

  • Airbusky
    Community Member

    This is the App (EWG). They have a website, but it cannot be logged into or associated with the App.

  • ag_tommy
    edited August 2022


    I would reach out to them and provide them the link for associated domains. They may be able to provide you with additional details. Without them support an associated domain we would be unable to fill the details as a suggestion. You would need to manually search on each instance when you need to login.

    Supporting Associated Domains | Apple Developer Documentation

    Note I tried using the URL from their support site and it did not work.

  • Airbusky
    Community Member

    Thanks, Tommy; I just sent them an email with your suggestion.

  • Sound good. I wish it was a much easier fix. Here's to hoping they can resolve this.

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