Really upset with the new 1Password 8 redesign

Community Member

The new design has a lot of empty space that takes up a lot of screen real estate to show me less content.

Why does adding a new item need to be a modal dialog? I tend to scroll through existing entries when adding software licenses and such, and now that's not possible.

Why does selecting the kind of new item need to be a modal dialog? I frequently click-and-drag-and-deselect with menus, and now that's not possible. Plus, it's harder to find the kind of item I want to make because they're all spread out between two columns with lots of whitespace in-between. It just made it harder to find things quickly. Plus, I don't need that carousel at the top of the modal with quick tips. I already know what I want to add, I don't need the visual clutter distracting me from finding the item type in the first place.

What happened to all my vaults‽ I frequently use them to separate logins for my work and personal life. I have a strict work-life separation ethic, and this makes it harder to enforce when I can accidentally select the login for a work account instead of my personal account.

This update adopts the worst design trends from the latest macOS releases to "blend in" with the rest of the system without actually considering its impact to usability. Apple's design trends have gradually been made at the expense of user-experience, and it's nonsense to follow the trend without considering its impact on the usability of your product.

I really love 1Password Family, but I've been seriously peeved since you removed the ability to buy a standalone license in favor of a subscription-only service. That, combined with the recent design changes, and the frankly abysmal Windows experience, is making me seriously consider moving to an alternative solution for my friends and family.

I'm going back to 1Password 7 for now. I'll keep an eye out for changes to 1Password 8 and a possible future 1Password 9, but be aware that you're at risk of losing a very loyal user who's been recommending your product for nearly a decade.

1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.5.1
Browser:_ Not Provided

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