Show tap feedback on tapped field when copying

Community Member
edited August 2022 in iOS

When tapping on a field the little "Copied [field name]" toast pops up at the bottom.

Every time this happens, I can't help feeling it is very disjointed as the only confirmation that you've tapped appears nowhere near the actual thing you tapped on.

In many ways I'd prefer it if the "Copied password" text could appear in/over the field you tapped on (similar to the shortcut buttons in the 1PW 7 app), however, I appreciate that isn't a straightforward change.

So at the very least, perhaps the field you tapped on could be briefly highlighted to provide instant confirmation the tap was triggered on the expected field?


  • Hi @jcwacky,

    Your feedback about the location of these toasts at the bottom of the app and your thoughts about how this could be improved is much appreciated. I can't make any promises about when or if this type change can be made, but I've passed these details along to the team for consideration. Thanks!

    ref: IDEA-I-1782

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