Show login items only on a subdomain level and based on path

I upgraded to 1password 8, but the issue I have reported long ago has still not been addressed regarding recommendation of login items in the browser.

First, I have logins and other items, like passwords, which share the same domain in website field.
I do not want that all these items are shown when the domain matches, but for some of those items I only want to show the login item, when also the subdomain matches.

  • on only show login abc, but not any others.
  • on only show login xyz, but not any others.

Right now, i cannot find any possibility to configure that I only want to show certain logins at certain websites on a subdomain level. see images attached

Secondly, I also have webapps which are available at different paths. I want to be able that 1password does not show all login items, etc. just if the domain matches, but also to consider the first path element behind the top level domain.

  • on… only show the login abc, but not any others.
  • on… only show the login xyz, but not any others.

How can I configure that 1password behaves like this?
If this is still not ready to be used, when is it possible to configure this?

This issue not only applies to the mac safari extension but also for iOS, etc.

Best regards!

1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: 2.3.7
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Educabledrift
    Community Member

    The same issue occurs for the same domain, but with different ports.

    • on only show the login abc, but not any others.
    • on only show the login xyz, but not any others.

    How can this configured in 1password to only show the relevant ones?
    Thanks, Best regards.

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @Educabledrift. Right now, 1Password only suggests items based on the root domain. One of our extension developers shared why this is here. Though the post is a few years old, it is still relevant today.

    With that said, I can definitely see the value of wanting 1Password to suggest exact matches based on the subdomain or host. While I can't make any promises, I can forward your request for this feature with the appropriate team. We do get a lot of requests for this, so hopefully it will be considered in the future.

    If you have any other questions or if there's anything else we can do to help, please let us know! In the meantime, thank you for your support.


  • Educabledrift
    Community Member

    Hi @Joy_1P
    Thanks for your response to my request.
    I would appreciate if you are forwarding this issue for further discussion, especially as it seems this issue has been on the table years ago, but not considered anymore.
    The community page you have linked to explains only roughly what the limitations are.
    However, from this answer I do not really get what the problem really is.

    Sure, you have to keep simplicity in mind when designing the user interface option for allowing more advanced users to enable subdomain, port or path matching.
    But I think these additional 3 options could be added for selection after having entered a website.

    Second, I do not get the problem from a technical perspective.
    I understand that the item data is encrypted and you are storing the root domain name and hostname of website URLs as hashes already to allow for a fast lookup via these hashes and without the need to decrypt every item to find out whether an item should be displayed on a website.
    But, why are you not simply also creating hashes of the combination of subdomain + root domain of the url, or of domain + port, or domain + first value of the URL path?
    Storing additional hashes for an item does not seem so difficult.
    You also just have to compare additional hashes, which will not introduce much more overhead.
    1password could also store in it’s database which matching types are desired by a user based on all user items and so 1password can create additional hashes (e.g. domain + port) when a user visits a website for comparison with stored hashes, but only creating hashes of those url component parts which are also part of the user’s items to reduce the overhead – if necessary.
    And if some non-advanced users do not use matching at subdomain, or port or first-path-element level, 1password may store that in its data structure and refrain from attempting these additional „advanced“ matching all together and hence, no additional overhead of hashing and comparing is introduced.

    What do you think about that?
    Do you see any shortcomings of this approach except for adding a bit more complexity?
    At least based on the short blog discussion you shared, my suggestion is implementable and realistic to offer.

    Thanks for your response.
    All the best!

  • Hey @Educabledrift,

    Joy shared your questions with me and indicated that you were looking for a technical explanation for the way 1Password matches URLs. As someone who has worked on our browser extension for many years, I hope I can offer some perspective on where things stand and where we might be going in the future.

    The truth is you are 100% correct: there is no hard limitation preventing 1Password from supporting more sophisticated forms of URL matching. As you point out, we could improve our hashing system to support finer grained matching against subdomains, etc. The obstacle is, well, the fact that overhauls take time to execute well. :)

    It's important for us to get this kind of advanced feature right. We do that by learning about different use cases, and the one you shared is instructive: it's the first time I've seen a request to match only the first part of the path element. (Maybe we need regex matching!)

    Bottom line is, I would really love to provide much more control over URL matching, and it's something we're actively investigating. If you have any other thoughts about how you'd like this kind of feature to work (global setting vs. per-item, etc.) please feel free to share. And thank you for the information you've provided already; it is truly helpful.

    All the best,

  • Stanzilla
    Community Member

    I would love to see a feature to hide/show subdomain matches as well

  • pschenk77
    Community Member

    Same here - restricting matches to subdomain would be essential for our use case! Where can we get an update on the resolution state here?

  • smilinggoat0
    Community Member

    Chiming in to add my voice to a request for subdomain-specific and port-specific browser password filling support. I end up using simple, easily remembered passwords for my various home server web portals because 1Password does not support this.

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2022

    Hey everyone, I've added all your voices to the feature request that we have open for this. I don't have any updates at the moment, but this is indeed something that our developers and product team will review. Thank you all for the feedback. It is truly appreciated.


This discussion has been closed.