Copy part of Notes?

Community Member
edited August 2022 in Mac

Why doesn't CMD+C work in the 1Password 8 app? It seems to work in browser extension, but not in the native app.

I have to right click and hit COPY in order for basic copy functionality to work.


1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: 2.3.7
OS Version: 12.5.1
Browser:_ Firefox


  • andrew.l_1P
    edited September 2022

    Hi @techtroubles101,

    Sorry to hear the keyboard shortcut for copying isn't working as expected in 1Password 8 for Mac. I wasn't able to recreate the issue and would like to confirm some settings and details with you:

    • Do other keyboard shortcuts work in the app? + X or + V for example.
    • Does + C work elsewhere on your device?
    • When no text is highlighted on a login item, does pressing + C copy the username?

    • Lastly, in your 1Password preferences, are any of these keyboard shortcuts set up in a way that might conflict with the copying shortcut?

    Let me know what you find and we can troubleshoot further from there! Looking forward to your reply. 🙂

  • techtroubles101
    Community Member

    I am embarrassed to say that I was not able to reproduce this problem now. However, I do recall historical issues where I copied stuff from fields and it is simply not registering. I will have to pay closer attention the next time that happens to figure out what's really going on.

  • @techtroubles101

    Understood, and I dare say that has caught us all at one time or another, myself included. We'll be here if you need us. Write any time.

  • techtroubles101
    Community Member
    edited November 2022

    Ok ok! I think I know what's going on. Today I experienced an issue with copy and paste not registering and I tried my best to reproduce it and successfully did.

    Basically what happened is Marriott was forcing its users to change their passwords, so I went ahead and did that. To do that I do the following:

    1. Hit Edit in 1Password app
    2. Click on password field, click on "Create new password"
    3. Generate a new password and click Use
    4. Now I have my new password. I don't save this because I'm not 100% sure new password will be accepted, so I switch back to browser, fill in the change password form which requires current password, and proposed password. Current password is already autofilled because I did that before changing password
    5. I CMD+A + CMD+C on the password field to copy the new password to fill into my Marriott page, and then to my surprise sometimes the clipboard is either my old password or whatever was previously in my clipboard.

    Problem is I can't reproduce this 100% of the time, but a lot of times it seems that copying the password field in its edit state doesn't fully store it in the clipboard. The only thing I can see that may affect how this happens is how fast I CMD+TAB out to my next window. I think there may be a delay in the CMD+C or something because I do see the Edit menu flash, and then I CMD+TAB over, but if I wait a solid second or two, the clipboard never fails. Only when I CMD+TAB over quickly, it seems to fail. I don't think I'm doing it too quickly because I routinely copy paste all the time (website to Excel, Excel to text editor, Keynote to email, Messages to Notes, etc.).

  • Hi @techtroubles101,

    Thanks for the update and additional details. I wasn't able to recreate this but if it is related to how quickly you're tabbing to another window, that might say more about my own keyboard shortcut proficiency. 😅

    The next time you notice it, I recommend creating a diagnostic report from your Mac:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Mac)

    Attach the diagnostics to an email message addressed to

    With your email please include:

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number, please post that number here so we can connect the email to this thread. We'll see if we can spot anything in that report that might give us more clues about what's happening here. In the meantime, if you notice any other contributing factors, or if the behaviour is reproducible in a certain context, feel free to post an update.

    I apologize for any interruption this is causing you and appreciate your patience and diligence while we investigate together!

  • techtroubles101
    Community Member
    edited November 2022

    I tried to take a video. I don't think I'm really CMD+Tabbing that fast, no different than when I'm working with 2 apps. But it seems there's some inconsistencies here where the CMD+A and CMD+C aren't both registering. If I pay attention to the Edit menu flashing when I'm doing this, it's very noticeable.

    On a side note, maybe my workflow for all this is wrong? I remember reading a few support threads on Reddit where people asked if 1Password can detect a new password and then update the password field of an app afterward. The answer seemed to be NO, but that was a really important feature for me on LastPass.

    The problem here is if I try to change a password directly from the input fields, it registers the new password. There's no guarantee the new password will even be accepted. And in order to revert to the previous one it's a very cumbersome effort to pull up password history on the web version of 1Password and go back to the previous one.

    I'm trying to find an easy way to change a password and so I've been using this edit field, create new password, and sometimes a text editor on the side to make sure I have both the old and new passwords on there handy before changing a new one. I'm not sure if there's a better recommended workflow, but without a way to update password in the record only after the website successfully accepts the new password (something that LastPass does), then my only way is to resort to having a text editor handy as a scratchpad.

    I've gone ahead and sent the diagnostics. I also have to say I did notice this on both my MBPs (14" and 16", both M1 Pros). One is my personal machine and the other is my work machine.

  • Thanks for the quick reply, @techtroubles101, I can confirm we received the diagnostic report.

    Appreciate the video as well, we'll investigate both to see if we can determine what's happening here. You raise a good point about an alternative workflow altogether! We do have an open feature request to adjust the way the browser extension handles saving new passwords (and whether or not this happens before or after submitting), so I'll add a vote for you there.

    One way to lessen the odds of a password not being accepted is to use the "Smart Password" option in our browser extension's password generator:

    This option reads a website's password rules and offers something that meets them. The caveat here is that it necessitates websites code their password rules into their pages in the first place, so it won't work everywhere. If I find myself needing to manually generate a password, I usually do this in the browser extension instead of the main app:

    And then in case it's accepted and 1Password doesn't offer to save it, I still have it on my clipboard to edit the item myself.

    Generally though, I take the in line suggestion and let the prompt update my item. In cases where it isn't ultimately accepted, you can find password history in the 1Password 8 Mac app:

    We'll continue exploring the copying behaviour you're seeing, but if you try out any of these alternative workflows, let me know how they go. 🙂

    ref: TMF-59733-511
    ref: IDEA-I-645

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