Password History tracking failing for Server and Database items

Community Member

I changed passwords for 2 Database items and 5 Server items yesterday (2022-08-31). However, when I select "View password history" for any of those items, they all say the most recent previous password was from 2022-04-26. I know that I also changed all of these passwords in early 2022-07. I changed a Login item yesterday as well and its password history does have the entry for yesterday, so this issue appears to be specific to Database, Server and possibly other Item types that I don't use. I have history for these items going back to 2014-02-07 and I do occasionally depend on this information when needing to work with restored backups. Help?

All of this happened outside of a web browser, so those aspects of 1Password were not involved.

1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: irrelevant
OS Version: macOS 12.5.1
Browser:_ irrelevant


  • ag_tommy
    edited September 2022


    Please check for your revision history. I see the same behavior you do within the app. This looks as if it some sort of display issue in my estimation. I am not a developer. I was able to see my revisions on I have brought this up to the team. Thanks for the report.

    ref: dev/core/core#17252

  • hochstrd
    Community Member

    Appears to be hit or miss on whether it shows at One of those 7 actually did have the previous entry that expired in late August. But the other 6 had the late June (which is better than the app, but not by much) and yet others that I hadn't changed this week but did change at the end of June still listed even earlier dates as the most recent change.

  • @hochstrd

    Thats for following up and adding those details. I've added them to the relevant internal issue tracker.

    ref: dev/core/core#17252

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