Update not installing newer version, so old version remains after relaunch

Community Member

The internal update mechanism has a serious problem such that it downloads and asks for a restart, but after doing something silently in the background, the old version remains after it relaunches. Subsequently, it reports that an update is available and the whole cycle starts over again and again and again.

I have been on 8.8 with no notice of updates, so I decided to change the pref to allow beta versions, hoping that some of my umpteen issues with v8 might be resolved. Sadly, no new version gets downloaded and I have yet another issue with 1P v8.

A unique characteristic of my system is that I have my home folder residing on another APFS volume. It is not in the /Users folder, but rather is on another volume and the user's "Advanced Options…" points to the new home folder location. As a long time Mac developer, I have done this for the past 20+ years because the system has a mechanism for this, and because the system APIs have the ability to locate the user folder without assuming its location. This folder relocation used to also require a symlink in the /Users folder to work properly with some apps, but most developers have properly adapted their code to no longer assume the default home folder location. Is 1P doing this properly, or is the updater failing because you've hard-coded some path to a temp folder?

1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: none
OS Version: macOS 12.5.1
Browser:_ Safari


  • Hi @bergdesign:

    We'd likely need to take a closer look at your specific setup to see what might be going on. I'd like to ask you to create a diagnostics report from your Mac:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Mac)

    Attach the diagnostics to an email message addressed to support+forum@1password.com.

    With your email please include:

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks very much!

  • bergdesign
    Community Member

    Hi Jack.

    Here's the support ID: [#XTF-56857-448]

    My app reported that a product release of was available, but after it downloaded and I restarted, my app still reported itself as 8.8.0. So as an additional data point, there appears to be no difference in my app's updating behavior between a beta release and a production release.


  • bergdesign
    Community Member

    I've had to quit 1P because it is now repeatedly popping up in the dock and then disappearing, probably because it keeps trying to update itself unsuccessfully. Don't you write any messages to the console to aid in troubleshooting?

  • @bergdesign

    I've asked the development team to look into your logs. Myself or one of the team will reply to your email as soon as possible.

    ref: XTF-56857-448

  • bergdesign
    Community Member

    1Password for Mac 8.9.4 is still doing the same stupid update attempt and relaunch every few minutes with your latest update. Any solution other than downloading the installer and updating that way?

  • @bergdesign

    Thank you for following up. Our developers have a good idea on how we can improve the update situation for the specific environment that you're using to run 1Password. However I don't have any updates to share at the moment and the issue is still in the backlog. I've let the developers know that you reached out for an update so that they're aware.

    It sounds like, at the moment, using the installer to install the latest version of 1Password is the best workaround to the issue. I'm sorry again for the frustration and hopefully we can improve the situation in the future.


    ref: dev/core/core#17423

  • bergdesign
    Community Member
    edited December 2022

    1Password 8.9.4 is still doing the same stupid repeated update attempt to 8.9.10. Happy to help troubleshoot if you have any logging that can be captured that is not captured in your diagnostics report.

  • @bergdesign

    Thank you for the offer, I've passed it along to the development team. 🙂


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