MRC Converter suite: Enpass to 1Password 8 bug

Community Member

Hey there, I'm trying to move from Enpass to 1Password.
I first used the "regular" version of MRC converter suite to generate a 1PIF file, exporting worked, but once I tried to import it I noticed it didn't work because I was using 1Password 8.
Searching on Google I found a thread referencing the "Custom" folder where I found a "new" version of MRC converter that would allow me to generate a 1PUX file. So I re-did it, but this time, the command prompt returned multiple errors, here it is:

C:\Users\plait\Desktop\mrc-converter-suite>perl -v enpass ..\pm_export.json
Uncaught exception from user code:
        garbage after JSON object, at character offset 494257 (before " Quentin",\x{a}     ...") at C:/Users/plait/Desktop/mrc-converter-suite/./Converters/ line 631.
        JSON::PP::decode_error("garbage after JSON object") called at C:/Users/plait/Desktop/mrc-converter-suite/lib/JSON/ line 827
        JSON::PP::PP_decode_json(JSON::PP=HASH(0x4957600), "{\x{a}    \"folders\": [\x{a}        {\x{a}            \"icon\": \"1008\",\x{a}    "..., 0) called at C:/Users/plait/Desktop/mrc-converter-suite/lib/JSON/ line 161
        JSON::PP::decode(JSON::PP=HASH(0x4957600), "{\x{a}    \"folders\": [\x{a}        {\x{a}            \"icon\": \"1008\",\x{a}    "...) called at C:/Users/plait/Desktop/mrc-converter-suite/lib/JSON/ line 124
        JSON::PP::decode_json("{\x{a}    \"folders\": [\x{a}        {\x{a}            \"icon\": \"1008\",\x{a}    "...) called at C:/Users/plait/Desktop/mrc-converter-suite/./Converters/ line 631
        Converters::Enpass::process_json(Converters::Enpass=HASH(0x2e92190), SCALAR(0x439b488), HASH(0x439b470), undef) called at C:/Users/plait/Desktop/mrc-converter-suite/./Converters/ line 598
        Converters::Enpass::import(Converters::Enpass=HASH(0x2e92190), "..\\pm_export.json", undef) called at line 203

I'm not a developer at all, so I'm a bit confused honestly ahah I just want to migrate my credentials..
Could someone help me?
Thanks in advance!

1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 11
Browser:_ Chrome


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    I’ll take a look I’m the morning.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    Sorry for the delay, it was a busy morning.

    The error you see is suggesting that the .json export file is not actually a JSON Enpass export. Did you perhaps export as CSV from Enpass?

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited September 2022


    Ignore my comment / question above. I didn't fully look at your data in the diagnostic above. Sorry, extremely busy morning.

    [see my post below first]

    The module that decodes the Enpass JSON file is finding some garbage data somewhere near the 494,257th character, just before some item that contains "Quentin". This module is well-tested and heavily used, so it is doubtful that the issue you are facing is due to a bug in the module, but it's possible.

    Did you happen to open/edit this JSON file?

    If not, please examine the export and try to find that word around that position in the file. You'll see items like this:

    I'm hoping you're able to identify the issue - perhaps Enpass is not creating proper JSON for some data that you have. If you can identify it, you may be able to remove that record (after taking note of its contents of course), and re-export.

    Let's see if you're able to make progress with this info.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited September 2022

    I first used the "regular" version of MRC converter suite to generate a 1PIF file, exporting worked...

    Lightbulb. I didn't catch your meaning that by the word "exporting" you meant "converting". Given that, there is something that may be causing the issue.

    This latest version of the converter suite updated the the JSON parser module, and perhaps your data is trigger a bug in it, that I haven't encountered, or it is working slightly differently.

    Since you meant that the conversion worked in the released version of the suite, but not in the one I've made available in Custom for testing, let's try using the previous JSON module with the new converter.

    Download and unzip the released version of the suite if you don't still have it.

    Use Explorer to open the folder named lib inside the testing version of the suite. Delete the folder inside called JSON.

    Move the released version of that JSON folder into the lib folder of the testing version.

    Re-try the conversion using the testing version.


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