Credit Card Wrinkle
Yesterday I had a senior moment and couldn't for the life of me remember the PIN for the card I was using: No problem I thought, I have 1P on my phone I just have to look it up which was so easy to do in V7. . Wrong!! In the new IOS app for 1P it is neither easy nor intuitive. The first problem I faced was finding the screen that allowed me to find my Credit Cards. I think I started out in Suggestions which is not where I would like to start anyway, ever! Eventually I found the icon next to the Home icon. This got me to something called Items which listed my Vaults and a list of Tags. One of my Tags is called Cards but this is my list of Travel and Health Cards. It wasn't until I clicked on my Vault, (which I was in anyway) that I actually found a drop down list of Categories This allowed me to get to my Credit Cards_ Phew!! I thought my problems were over. I selected the card that I wanted, scrolled down to my Pin and clicked where we normally clicked in the past but instead of showing a list of options it simply copied my credit card Pin. Where it copied it and how to see it is beyond my knowledge of IOS and iPhone. It was not until the following morning that I found that by pressing and Holding the Heading "PIN" the options of Revealing, Copying, Show in Large Type came up. Just pressing PIN doesn't work, it merely copies the PIN. I never did find my PIN when trying to pay that Bill in the restaurant. I failed three times and was told that that would cause my card to be blocked. Thank God that didn't happen and I finally remembered the PIN. It is another example for me of how Dave Teare and his band of normally excellent engineers have produced and launched a product that is in so many ways inferior to its predecessor.
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
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