Feature requests

Mark Sealey
Mark Sealey
Community Member

May I put forward these suggestions for a future release of 1P, please:

  1. when 1P is not open/’sleeping' and ⌘\ is used to log in to an app, that the corresponding login window for 1P itself is automatically moved to front to receive the input focus
  2. that “Show in Large Type” not wrap in the case of longer passwords
  3. that 1P remember the location for Exports… it currently defaults to ~/Downloads
  4. that those occasions where 1P fills in the first blank space for, say, a PIN it be cleared… I can provide details

Thanks for 1P. So glad I stayed with it throughout the 'deliberations' over version 8

1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 12.5.1
Browser:_ Safari

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