Extension for Safari not work at all.

The extension does not open with the exception of a big box that says "Open", however clicking on it does nothing. This is true even when the main 1Password program is already open.

Also, the main 1Password program will not fill in usernames and passwords anymore since downloading version 8. I have to manually copy and paste each one.

1Password Version: 1Password for Mac 8.9.4
Extension Version: do idea how to find
OS Version: macOS version 12.5.1
Browser:_ Safari
Referrer: forum-search:Once again, two problems


  • debstr
    Community Member

    Still having this problem. Anyone know how to fix it?

  • debstr
    Community Member

    Further, my 1Password program on my MacBook Pro will not longer fill in passwords for me and hasn't since I downloaded 1P 8. Anyone have a fix?

    I emailed help about these two issues (this one and the one above), but got nothing back.

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