Item creation template changed ? not backward compatible ?
I have upated op cli to 2.7.0. Sadly, I don'( know which version I was using previously.
I noticed that now op cli requires the --category parameter even if ithis is in the template.
But, not a big deal.
However, it looks like the JSON template to create entries has changed.
My entries are created but I get no fields displayed in 1password
Where can I find the reference for creating new items ?
Should I create a new entry and inspect that one ?
If yes, should I use the template from op item get
or from 1Password copy json ? They are quite different.
Are those changes displayed in the releases notes ?
This is something very important for our tools we developed under op cli.
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided
For example, my current command:
op item create --no-color --format json --category=Server --title="USER test ON"
with the given file as input
{ "category": "SERVER", "version": 1, "fields": [ { "id": "notesPlain", "type": "STRING", "purpose": "NOTES", "label": "notesPlain" }, { "inputTraits": { "keyboard": "URL" }, "type": "STRING", "id": "url", "value": "ssh://", "label": "URL" }, { "inputTraits": { "autocapitalization": "none", "autocorrection": "no" }, "type": "string", "id": "ukjbjgldzwhtooqsrckhevwnjb", "value": "test", "label": "username", "section": { "id": "Section_awspsnhgvdzexvxppltsmzeakkjzg" } }, { "type": "concealed", "id": "arxsuhneodbxhdremivxasviec", "value": "=pMsXKtWgZhS9FivQA=fpNxxU", "label": "password", "section": { "id": "Section_awspsnhgvdzexvxppltsmzeakkjzg" } }, { "inputTraits": { "keyboard": "URL" }, "type": "string", "id": "moaexaqdboylwiukwkaetrfonv", "label": "admin console URL", "section": { "id": "Section_nzfkxrxlcwmphxkikubsqpzmwptnm" } }, { "inputTraits": { "autocapitalization": "none", "autocorrection": "no" }, "type": "string", "id": "dmoerajyuxuyvcfafikhaipagv", "label": "admin console username", "section": { "id": "Section_nzfkxrxlcwmphxkikubsqpzmwptnm" } }, { "type": "concealed", "id": "tflbqvcocujwedpmjrxjbkwmoj", "label": "console password", "section": { "id": "Section_nzfkxrxlcwmphxkikubsqpzmwptnm" } }, { "inputTraits": { "autocapitalization": "Words" }, "type": "string", "id": "nifziizgtmboemtniresdthyre", "label": "name", "section": { "id": "Section_cqlooydmgwidagrwieizdiwrwdkef" } }, { "inputTraits": { "keyboard": "URL" }, "type": "string", "id": "xarkqcnqggfeermdkkagikvzgc", "label": "website", "section": { "id": "Section_cqlooydmgwidagrwieizdiwrwdkef" } }, { "inputTraits": { "keyboard": "URL" }, "type": "string", "id": "egfiqayozvcguuzlzfopbskkko", "label": "support URL", "section": { "id": "Section_cqlooydmgwidagrwieizdiwrwdkef" } }, { "inputTraits": { "keyboard": "NamePhonePad" }, "type": "string", "id": "zrfeelqtvejospovdanqmfsdpp", "label": "support phone", "section": { "id": "Section_cqlooydmgwidagrwieizdiwrwdkef" } }, { "label": "UUID", "value": "fdefce4d-0952-4e8a-92b3-6ec4199b8490", "type": "STRING", "id": "fclstqilqjwjprbnkatndafyrf", "section": { "title": "", "name": "Section_wedzcvagjsafazneugpgpuanskahw" } } ], "sections": [ { "id": "Section_awspsnhgvdzexvxppltsmzeakkjzg" }, { "id": "Section_nzfkxrxlcwmphxkikubsqpzmwptnm" }, { "id": "Section_cqlooydmgwidagrwieizdiwrwdkef" }, { "title": "", "name": "Section_wedzcvagjsafazneugpgpuanskahw" } ] }
A template retrieven from CLI after creating an entry from 1Password app:
{ "id": "k3qakpbjnjs64nwetfbam62hpu", "title": "Serveur de test", "version": 1, "vault": { "id": "iv263o6a42clpqbhrefi4jjh5y", "name": "Private" }, "category": "SERVER", "last_edited_by": "P5VU2BKG4NANTOCO4WBEKBBHUY", "created_at": "2022-09-15T15:08:12Z", "updated_at": "2022-09-15T15:08:12Z", "additional_information": "username", "sections": [ { "id": "admin_console", "label": "Console d'administration" }, { "id": "hosting_provider_details", "label": "Fournisseur d'hébergement" } ], "fields": [ { "id": "notesPlain", "type": "STRING", "purpose": "NOTES", "label": "notesPlain", "reference": "op://Private/Serveur de test/notesPlain" }, { "id": "url", "type": "STRING", "label": "URL", "value": "ssh://url", "reference": "op://Private/Serveur de test/URL" }, { "id": "username", "type": "STRING", "label": "Nom d'utilisateur", "value": "username", "reference": "op://Private/Serveur de test/username" }, { "id": "password", "type": "CONCEALED", "label": "mot de passe", "value": "password", "reference": "op://Private/Serveur de test/mot de passe" }, { "id": "admin_console_url", "section": { "id": "admin_console", "label": "Console d'administration" }, "type": "STRING", "label": "URL console d'admin.", "reference": "op://Private/Serveur de test/admin_console/admin_console_url" }, { "id": "admin_console_username", "section": { "id": "admin_console", "label": "Console d'administration" }, "type": "STRING", "label": "identifiant de console d'admin.", "reference": "op://Private/Serveur de test/admin_console/admin_console_username" }, { "id": "admin_console_password", "section": { "id": "admin_console", "label": "Console d'administration" }, "type": "CONCEALED", "label": "mot de passe console", "reference": "op://Private/Serveur de test/admin_console/mot de passe console" }, { "id": "name", "section": { "id": "hosting_provider_details", "label": "Fournisseur d'hébergement" }, "type": "STRING", "label": "nom", "reference": "op://Private/Serveur de test/hosting_provider_details/nom" }, { "id": "website", "section": { "id": "hosting_provider_details", "label": "Fournisseur d'hébergement" }, "type": "STRING", "label": "site web", "reference": "op://Private/Serveur de test/hosting_provider_details/site web" }, { "id": "support_contact_url", "section": { "id": "hosting_provider_details", "label": "Fournisseur d'hébergement" }, "type": "STRING", "label": "URL du support", "reference": "op://Private/Serveur de test/hosting_provider_details/URL du support" }, { "id": "support_contact_phone", "section": { "id": "hosting_provider_details", "label": "Fournisseur d'hébergement" }, "type": "STRING", "label": "n° téléphone assistance", "reference": "op://Private/Serveur de test/hosting_provider_details/support_contact_phone" } ] }
The same entry from JSON export of 1Password app:
{ "overview": { "title": "Serveur de test", "ainfo": "username" }, "details": { "sections": [ { "name": "", "title": "", "fields": [ { "t": "URL", "n": "url", "k": "string", "v": "ssh://url", "inputTraits": { "keyboard": "URL" } }, { "t": "Nom d'utilisateur", "n": "username", "k": "string", "v": "username", "inputTraits": { "autocorrection": "no", "autocapitalization": "none" } }, { "t": "mot de passe", "n": "password", "k": "concealed", "v": "password" } ] }, { "name": "admin_console", "title": "Console d'administration", "fields": [ { "t": "URL console d'admin.", "n": "admin_console_url", "k": "string", "inputTraits": { "keyboard": "URL" } }, { "t": "identifiant de console d'admin.", "n": "admin_console_username", "k": "string", "inputTraits": { "autocorrection": "no", "autocapitalization": "none" } }, { "t": "mot de passe console", "n": "admin_console_password", "k": "concealed" } ] }, { "name": "hosting_provider_details", "title": "Fournisseur d'hébergement", "fields": [ { "t": "nom", "n": "name", "k": "string", "inputTraits": { "autocapitalization": "Words" } }, { "t": "site web", "n": "website", "k": "string", "inputTraits": { "keyboard": "URL" } }, { "t": "URL du support", "n": "support_contact_url", "k": "string", "inputTraits": { "keyboard": "URL" } }, { "t": "n° téléphone assistance", "n": "support_contact_phone", "k": "string", "inputTraits": { "keyboard": "NamePhonePad" } } ] } ] }, "createdAt": "2022-09-15T15:08:12Z", "updatedAt": "2022-09-15T15:08:12Z", "faveIndex": 0, "trashed": "N", "templateUuid": "110", "uuid": "k3qakpbjnjs64nwetfbam62hpu" }
0 -
I did some test with each latest releases of
It looks like things were working until 2.6.1 and 2.6.2 broke the item creation process.0 -
Hi @mickael ! You could get a valid item template for a LOGIN type, for example, by using the command
op item template get LOGIN
. Then this commandop item template get LOGIN | op item create -
(without needing to specify the--category
flag) would create a new item for you. You can start from the provided template and edit your way up to more complex items.All the best,