Why is it now more difficult to find items?

Community Member
edited March 2023 in iOS

In the new iOS version there are no longer “letters” on the right side that allow you to jump to a letter to more easily find an item. For example, if my item starts with the letter z, I now need to scroll through all the items in order to get there. A search box at the top would help, but that isn’t there either. It seems to me that finding items is now more difficult. Am I missing something?


  • Hi @rskoller:

    Thanks for your feedback on this! I can see how it would be handy to have the scrolling letter index. While I can't promise anything, I'll share your thoughts with the team.

    As for searching in 1Password 8 for iOS, that's available from the magnifying glass in the bottom bar. Let me know how you get on with that!


  • fraggleman
    Community Member

    I have this same question. On my phone this alphabet list was the only way I found my logins. Please bring it back!

  • Hello. The alphabet index is now available in the TestFlight version of 1Password.

    Join the 1Password 8 - Password Manager beta - TestFlight - Apple

    No word right now about how long it will take to come to the regular App Store version, but if you would like to give it a go just now, you can follow the link above. :)

  • randallsutton
    Community Member

    Also, why isn’t there a search feature on the new ios home page. having to click to get to search is super inconvenient. I have hundreds of logins and only accessing a handful on the first interface seems a poor way to set this up.

  • Txaggiechik
    Community Member

    I definitely second bringing back the alphabet index for the iphone iOS version. That was so convenient. I know I can search, but typing a title instead of just jumping to a section is going backwards for efficiency. Please bring this back soon.

  • janpeeters
    Community Member

    I'm surprised this is already requested in October (even September I saw in another thread) but not yet implemented.

  • The scrolling alphabet index is now available in 1Password 8 for iOS when sorting by title. 🙂

    @janpeeters I've replied to you here: https://1password.community/discussion/comment/680193/#Comment_680193


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