Can't Delete Old Standalone Vault

Community Member


I'm trying to delete an old standalone vault using the instructions here:

However, I see no option to delete it in 1password 7; rather it's grayed. (Nor in 1password 8, though based on that article it seems like I shouldn't see it there). The option is the vault menu, the text grayed out.

Any help is appreciated


1Password Version: 7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.6
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hello @themidnightwill! 👋

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble deleting an old standalone vault using 1Password 7. The standalone vault won't show up in 1Password 8 so if you're seeing the vault that you're trying to delete in 1Password 8 it means that the vault is part of your 1Password account.

    Is the vault that you're trying to delete located under the "On My Mac" section in the sidebar or under your 1Password account? When you say that the "Delete" option is greyed out do you mean the option in the menu:


    I look forward to hearing from you. 🙂

  • themidnightwill
    Community Member

    @Dave_1P It 100% shows up in 1Password 8, and that's part of the problem. Causes all sorts of issues. Is there any plan in your Backlog to fix this issue?

    I must say, 1P8 has been a regression in my book.

  • @themidnightwill

    I'm sorry to hear that you're still unable to delete the vault. If you see the vault in 1Password 8 then it means that it's not a standalone vault since the 1Password 8 app doesn't support those at all. I'd like to ask you to create a diagnostics report from your Mac:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Mac)

    Attach the diagnostics to an email message addressed to

    With your email please include:

    The report will be in zip format. Please send the entire file.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks very much!

  • themidnightwill
    Community Member

    Alright I sent it.

  • themidnightwill
    Community Member

    The automated email said to share the support ID:


  • andrew.l_1P
    edited October 2022

    Hi @themidnightwill, I can confirm we've received your email! To avoid any confusion, I'll reply to you there so please keep an eye out. Thanks. 🙂

    ref: WJC-31636-925

This discussion has been closed.