1Password 8 - can't find password generator or "recipe" in app or Chrome extension - any help?


1Pass 7 - had a password generator. I can't find it in 1Pass 8 - not in Chrome extension or app. Also can't find recipe - to create my specifications. Any help would be appreciated.

1Password Version: 8.9.4
Extension Version: 2.3.7
OS Version: 12.6
Browser:_ Chrome
Referrer: forum-search:1Password 8 - can't find password generator or "recipe" in app or Chrome extension - any help?


  • Hey @ccgreen,

    Here are the steps to access the password generator:

    1. Click on the 1Password icon in your Chrome browser toolbar and sign in.
    2. Click the round menu icon next to the search bar and choose Password Generator.

    Within here you can also create your specifications for password type and length.

    I hope this helps!

  • ccgreen
    Community Member

    I'm guessing generating Password works from the browser extension. Since mine is still not working - I answered prior info in another string about this - is there a way to access the Password Generator from the app on Mac? thank you

  • @ccgreen

    In 1Password for Mac, click "+ New Item", then Password. In the password field, click "Generate a New Password". The password generator will appear and you can change its recipe there:


  • ccgreen
    Community Member

    Thank you. I'm on the app (8.9.4)- I already did that before- trying again.

    DOn't see what you are showing above.
    Here is what happens when I try to attach a screenshot: - " . "
    I tried both drag & drop and choose file.

    When I hit +new item/ then Password - it opens to setting up a new password for a website. So 2 strikes on this one.

  • ccgreen
    Community Member

    sorry - I see now it is showing above.

  • @ccgreen

    I'm glad to hear you could find it – you'll need to click "Generate a New Password" in the Password field for the generator to appear, but it sounds like you've got that now. :)

  • ccgreen
    Community Member

    Thank you. I'm on the app (8.9.4)- I already did that before- trying again. DOn't see what you are showing above. Not allowing me send image/screen shot - when I hit the icon above the straight black line outlining this text arrows up - but nothing else happens.
    When I hit plus in upper right corner
    When I hit +new item/ then Password - it opens to setting up a new password for a website.
    the So 2 strikes on this one.

  • @ccgreen

    I've recorded a GIF of how to do this. Try following along and see how things go. Here are the steps again:

    1. Click "+ New Item", and choose "Password" from the item catalog.
    2. Click the Password field, then "🔑 Create a New Password". (Adjust the settings for the password generator if you like.)
    3. Click Use, then Save.


    Give that a go – I look forward to hearing how you get on.

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