SSH - 'Agent Refused Operation' when use external monitor and close macbook's screen
Hi, I recently encountered a problem with SSH - 'Agent Refused Operation' when I trying to use SSH agent to login my server.
Through other discussion I found this log file and found the following message.
~/Library/Group Containers/ Support/1Password/Data/logs/1Password_rCURRENT.log
INFO 2022-09-21T14:43:29.994 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(128)) [1P:foundation/op-apple/src/] System biometry info: BiometricStatus { current_policy: WatchOnly, current_method: TouchId, current_availability: Available } INFO 2022-09-21T14:43:30.014 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(128)) [1P:foundation/op-apple/src/] System biometry info: BiometricStatus { current_policy: WatchOnly, current_method: TouchId, current_availability: Available } ERROR 2022-09-21T14:43:30.021 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(2)) [1P:op-automated-unlock/src/] Failed to authorize using system biometry: FailedToUnlockWithKeys(BiometryUnavailable) INFO 2022-09-21T14:43:30.022 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(2)) [1P:ssh/op-ssh-agent/src/] Session was not authorized INFO 2022-09-21T14:43:57.922 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(129)) [1P:foundation/op-apple/src/] System biometry info: BiometricStatus { current_policy: BiometricsOrWatch, current_method: TouchId, current_availability: Available } INFO 2022-09-21T14:43:57.943 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(129)) [1P:foundation/op-apple/src/] System biometry info: BiometricStatus { current_policy: BiometricsOrWatch, current_method: TouchId, current_availability: Available }
So I realized that I was using a macbook with a touchid, but I was using an external monitor and closing the screen. At this point this problem is bound to appear. When I opened the laptop, It was able to pop up the authorization box for touchid correctly.
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided
I realized this error started when I turned on the "Use your Apple Watch to unlock apps and your Mac" under the system's preferences >> Security & Privacy. You can work around it temporarily by disabling that feature although I'm a bit confused why this happens since the SSH agent page says that the best experience is using Apple Watch to unlock.
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Update: We have made a significant update to the prompts, which give more flexible approval methods to prevent the automatically refused SSH requests.