Unable to unlock account without selecting it

Community Member

When using 1Password 8 along with version 7, I notice some discomfort when using. I suppose it is for security purposes, but in 8, only the main account is unlocked upon entering the main password, I have to unlock additional accounts separately. Which is fine, but I would like to have the option to unlock without selecting the account in the process, which is annoying because if I forget to switch back to All Accounts directly, only items from the unlocked vault are available.

I'd love to have an option to unlock all accounts with a single password, as was the behaviour in 7, but I suspect it is not technically possible when retaining security?

1Password Version: 8.9.6 (last beta)
Extension Version: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Browser:_ n/a


  • Hi @finwe,

    Thanks for your message. This was revised in 1Password 8 for Windows to improve security. Currently, only accounts that share an identical account password can be unlocked simultaneously. Here's a link to our guide that discusses the use of multiple accounts and about using the same 1Password account password for all your 1Password accounts

    While password reuse is a bad practice, 1Password accounts work with the combination of the account password and the unique Secret Key for your accounts. I've left a link here to a thread detailing this explanation. I hope this helps.

    I've included your thoughts in a feature request we have open with the product team. We appreciate the feedback!

    ref: IDEA-I-866

  • finwe
    Community Member

    Hi, thanks for the explanation, I'm OK with that. I won't be using an identical password for my vaults, so at least the option to just unlock and not switch would come in handy.

  • Hi @finwe - I'm unsure what changes can or will be made here in the future. Your feedback is important to us and has been sent to the team. Thanks for getting back to me and have a great day!

This discussion has been closed.