After changing a login's password, 1Password "Open and fill" failed for that login in Safari

Community Member

Recently I've changed my password for a couple of logins, and of course saved the new passwords in 1Password. When I immediately tested the new passwords with "Open and fill" (regardless of whether I launched "Open and fill" from the main app or the Safari extension), the logins failed (the websites reported the standard "wrong username and/or password").
But when I copied the new password from the main 1Password app to the clipboard and pasted it in, the login credentials were accepted.
When I revealed the password in the main app, the new password was there. But when I revealed the password in the Safari extension, the old password showed.
It appears that the Safari extension was pasting the old password into the password field - I confirmed that by using the "show password" option that one of the sites gave.
This persisted for 2 days after changing the password on two separate Macs.
Finally, I uninstalled then reinstalled the Safari extension and this fixed the problem.


  • maxbug
    Community Member

    This is still happening. When I use the extension, login fails. When I copy from the main app, login succeeds.
    Apart from being an annoyance, this also introduces the risk of getting locked out of accounts for trying a wrong password too many times.
    I see that 1Password for Mac is at version 8.9.8 - hopefully that means 9 is coming soon and this is fixed.

  • Hi @maxbug,

    Apologies for the delay here and thanks for the update. I'm sorry to hear your items aren't updating as expected and understand how disruptive this can be. Could you tell me whether you're making these changes via the inline prompts in your browser, in the app, or on

    I'd also like to ask you to create a test item via the app. Does this test item appear in the browser extension afterwards?

    Let me know what you find and we'll troubleshoot further from there. 🙂

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