Installing 1Password 8

edited October 2022 in Mac
This discussion was created from comments split from: How to delete 1Password 7 after installing 1 Password 8? 1P7 won't delete....


  • Babydoc1
    Community Member

    I have had 1Passport since release #1, but I'm having trouble installing it on my iMac 27" Intel. The install program downloads in zip format and unravels, but nothing mounts. I have tried to delete V 7 using every hint in the forum but cannot. V 8 works fine on my iPhone 14 but I desperately need it on my Mac, and I need them all to sync - got a message about DropBox on the phone and it not having a permission for V 8. I can access my account on the web but notes an app on the Mac. PLEASE HELP and walk me though this.

  • Hello @Babydoc1! 👋

    I've split your comment into a new thread since your issue is a little different from what is being discussed in the other thread.

    I'm sorry that you're having trouble upgrading to 1Password 8 and that you're receiving an error message on your phone. I see that you've sent an email to our support team and that we've responded with some questions. Please reply to those questions via email and one of my colleagues will be able to help get everything running properly on your Mac and phone.

    If you haven't received the email then let me know and I'll have it sent to you again. 🙂

    ref: AXC-58982-251

  • Babydoc1
    Community Member
    edited October 2022

    Sorry, but I'm having major problems with Verizon email over Outlook, so I have been very hung up there with communications. I would blame it on Moscow if I thought it would do any good.

  • @Babydoc1

    I can see you're in conversation with our team by email, so I'll let them take it from here and I'll close this thread. :)

This discussion has been closed.