Feature request: Stop locking and asking for my master password

Community Member
edited October 2022 in Mac

I have my installations set to never lock in all the ways I'm able to do so—and yet I and my family are still asked to enter our master passwords on a regular basis.

One of the things I find I like better about LastPass is that it doesn't require me to confirm my password or re-sign in unless there's been a software update or new browser installation. With 1Password on the Mac I'm asked to keep entering my password every so often (without the option to use Touch ID), on Windows at least whenever I restart, and very frequently on ChromeOS. It's less of a problem on iOS since it leans on Touch ID there but we use our password manager on everything.

If we're signed into our accounts—both 1Password and the OS—don't keep asking us for our passwords if we set it not to. It's a time wasting nuisance and makes the experience worse compared to LastPass.

1Password Version: 8.9.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hobyvh
    Community Member

    Update on some Mac situations: The 1Password extension locks every time I quit and re-open Ghost Browser. Additionally, I have 1Password set to unlock with Touch ID and that isn't an option in Ghost.

    Chrome however does not lock between launches and it does allow unlocking via Touch ID. I've also contacted the Ghost team to look into why these two settings from the Mac 1Password App aren't being honored in the Extension in Ghost.

  • fuchsr
    Community Member

    Agreed. It feels that regardless of settings I get prompted way too many times to enter my password. On iOS, with Faceid, I don't care. But on the Mac it's a real pain.

  • Hobyvh
    Community Member

    Update: The latest Chrome release Version 107.0.5304.121 (Official Build) (arm64) appears to be breaking the previous ability to use Touch ID.

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