1Password 8 for Windows. How do I reorder items for a specific site? Like v7

Community Member

For a specific site I may have several items of information stored in 1Password. I want to reorder them. Can do copy and paste but very wasteful of my time. On prior versions there were arrows to move the item up or down. That or Drag and drop would be very useful.

1Password Version: 8.9.5
Extension Version: 2.3.8
OS Version: Windows 10
Browser:_ Firefox
Referrer: forum-search:1Password 8 for Windows. How do I reorder items for a specific site? Like v7


  • Hi @dpneumo! At the moment, the ability to re-order fields and sections isn't available in 1Password 8. However, we have a feature request filed with our Product team about adding this ability, and I've added your vote to the idea. Thanks so much for letting us know that this feature is important to you!

    ref: IDEA-I-372

  • Yo_Ayo
    Community Member

    Please also add my vote to this as well.

    As I am also patiently waiting for this much needed feature. In the meantime Is there a work around besides using v7?

  • Hello @Yo_Ayo,

    I've included your vote in the feature request we're tracking with the product team. As mentioned, this feature is available in version 7 and is the only work around at this time. We appreciate your patience!

    ref: IDEA-I-372

This discussion has been closed.