Version 8 password generator

Community Member

I've been having alot of problems with the new version 8 password generator. Many times I use the 'suggested' password, but the site won't accept it, usually because the site requires a symbol in it, but the symbol the password generator uses is not accepted. Such as . or _.

The real problem arises because 1pass wants to save the new pword BEFORE the site has accepted it. So I end up saving a rejected password, and I can find myself locked out of the website. I used to be able to manually edit suggested passwords in the generator, but this doesn't seem to be the case any longer. So I end up cycling thru suggested passwords looking for one that might be accepted.
I'd like the ability to edit suggested passwords, and/or to restrict the suggested symbols it uses. Any suggestions?

1Password Version: 8.9.5
Extension Version: 2.3.8
OS Version: Win11
Browser:_ edge


  • Hello @MMA,

    Thanks for your message. I wanted to point to a reply from a colleague to a similar discussion about the use of symbols in suggested passwords.

    When using the Smart Password type in the 1Password in the browser password generator, and toggling on the setting to use as default for suggestions, do you see better results? Create a custom password

    We have an open feature request we're tracking with the product team and I've included a +1 for their consideration.

    ref: IDEA-I-645

This discussion has been closed.