Credit Card Year
This may be a regional issue but in Australia entering the credit card year seems to be 22 far more often than 2022.
The auto fill fails and I actually have to do some work to dig out the expiration year.
Perhaps recognise or offer both?
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:credit card year
Hey @Chipili,
Can you provide me with an example of a website you are having trouble filling the expiry date so I can do some testing and best advise?
Thank you!
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Hi @steph.giles
Yesterday it was is a sales portal that a bunch of small merchants use so it may be specific to them.
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Hey @Chipili,
Thanks for getting back to me.
Can you let me know the steps you are taking when you fill your Credit Card? Are you using a shortcut or are you filling directly from the inline menu?
I have just tested filling on this website from the inline menu and although the expiry date I have saved in my 1Password is '02/2023', 1Password did indeed fill '02/23'.
In addition, can you provide me with some more detail on the version of 1Password and which browser you are using?
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I’m travelling at the moment and will answer when I’m home (my Thursday next).
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No worries Nick, safe travels!
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Hi @steph.giles
I've just gone through the order and checkout process.
Browser is FireFox (last weeks version) with the 1Password Extension (again not deliberately updated but not far out of date).
1Password for Windows 8.9.7 (80907031)
My login to the website via 1P was accepted.
CHECKOUT button (white on green)
Pay by Credit Card.
Click the Card Number box, pick a card and authorize 1P to fill it.
Card No, Name on card, Security code all good.
Expiration date remains blank.
Obviously that many 0's are not on my card.
Click again on Expiration date and it remains empty.
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Hi @Chipili,
Thank you for this detail. I'm still having a hard time trying to replicate this I'm wondering if you are right in that it could be a regional issue.
Can you try two things for me:
- Firstly, visit our test website and see if you are able to fill your credit card as expected here?
- Try adding a new card by clicking the 1Password icon in your browser toolbar followed by + New Item and let me know if the behaviour is the same when you try to fill with this one?
Let me know how you get on and we can escalate this further.
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- The at autofilled my original card and it gave the wrong MM/YYYY - I guess 01/2020 is coded as NULL.
- I created a copy of the original card. (different bank name and no 'spare info' such as phone numbers.
- The copy worked correctly.
- I did notice that on the original card the month was recorded as 6 not 06.
- Went back to the original, correcting the 6 to 06.
- Closed reopened 1P the original card at the test site, MM/YY still didn't work.
- The Dummy bank card worked on the site.
- The original still does not.
- I can move on with the "dummy" bank card.
I'm still puzzled.
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Hi @Chipili,
Thanks for the detail, that does seem very strange indeed.
It could have something to do with the way the card was created or if it was imported. I'm glad to hear creating a new card is working for you, I would suggest continuing on with this but please let us know if you experience any further trouble at all.