Just upgraded from v6 to v7 and can't find "top pane" view

Community Member
edited October 2022 in Mac

I'm looking for my old view that I've been using since 2011 when I first purchased 1Password. It has the list on top, and info on the bottom, with a left sidebar for vaults/tags/folders. This 3 column view is maddening. I've looked in settings, Window, and View but can't find anything resembling any kind of user view customization.

1Password Version: 7.9.6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 11.6.2
Browser:_ Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:pane


  • @Tom_FL

    That view has long past, I'm sorry to say. Some of us were fans of it. The 3 column is the only view available.

    I would highly encourage you to update macOS when you can.

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  • Tom_FL
    Community Member

    @ag_tommy Thanks for breaking the bad news gently. That's disappointing to hear, and not something I expected from AgileBits, a company who, in the past, has been so focused on user experience.

    Simple follow-up question for 1Password: Why? Did it pose a legitimate security issue? Or was it just to save a few hours of dev time?

    I ask because, as a UX professional, I can't think of a single instance in digital history where removing a user preference resulted in something positive for the company behind it. Removing a feature? Sure - if it's buggy, costly, or has a low adoption rate. But screen layouts / views aren't features - they're preferences. And those particular preferences improve product accessibility.

  • @Tom_FL

    I don't recall when it happened but it has been some time. Truth be told the majority of the users prefer the 3 pane layout. There are a scant few of us who used that layout. I did but even I would tend to gravitate to the 3 pane. It's stuck with me so long now that I recall the other in the back of my mind and from photos. I think the last time I used it was 1Password 2 or early into 3.

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