1Password forces the top OTP field to override positioning of other sectioned OTP fields

Community Member

Sorry in advance for the awfully-worded title, wasn't too sure of an obvious way to sum up the issue!

I've got an entry in 1Password which has multiple accounts for a single URL, with the "default" username/password/otp section having one account, and the other accounts are listed underneath in their own sections, with their own username/password/otp fields.

I switched the main account today to using a hardware security key instead but I'm still using TOTP for the other accounts. I'm running into an issue though where when I remove the OTP field from the default section at the top of the entry, 1Pass then decides to pull the next available OTP entry from its section and moves it into the default position at the top, lumping it in with the other account's login details.

I noticed this before and it's a bit of a pain, especially if you need to remove and re-add an OTP entry, which then means needing to add the updated one as a new field, then copy/pasting into notepad to replace the one which was moved.

I'm not sure if it's actually intented design or just a bug, I thought I'd bring it up though since it seems like a strange choice which could lead to confusion. I'll probably just add separate entries for the separate accounts for now, but that's a little messy for accounts which aren't used often, so it would be nice to see this tweaked if possible!

1Password Version: 8.9.7 (80907007)
Extension Version: 2.3.8
OS Version: Windows 11
Browser:_ Microsoft Edge


  • Hi @BallistiX09

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I was able to reproduce this behaviour and have gone ahead and filed an internal issue to investigate further.

    In the meantime, I would definitely proceed with creating separate login items for each account as you mentioned. Thanks again!

    ref: dev/core/core#17968

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