FEMA Login has 2 passwords, autofill only does 1, erroneous password generator won't go away.

Community Member
edited October 2022 in Windows

Here is the login page.


Get to this page by navigating to 'disasterassistance dot gov' and finding the 'check status' icon. Clicking on the link in this forum causes and error after redirecting through 1password warning page. Why would we expect that to just work....

See if you can get 1password to fill in all 3 fields. The PIN basically operates like another password but 1password wants to generate a new one and won't fill in the PIN field with a stored PIN, but instead make the page really confusing with the imbedded password generator.

There is no longer a way to edit web form field data as far as I can determine. I don't know if they will be able to ever log into this page unless I change their PIN to 1234. Cutting and pasting using ctrl-c ctrl-v is beyond their ability and FEMA removed the right click paste function. Combine that with the stupid imbedded password generator and icon and this is really confusing and unworkable.

I wish I could go back to a version where 1password didn't litter all web pages and forms until I hit ctrl-/ or clicked autofill from a menu, and then it just filled stuff in.

1Password Version: 8.9.4
Extension Version: 2.3.8
OS Version: 12.6
Browser:_ Chrome


  • bh444
    Community Member
    edited October 2022

    So I figured out how to remove the password generator and 1password integrations on this page, by saying something like 'hide on this page'. But once removed, you can't get them back again. Version 8.9.x and we can't undo a setting?

    ---- self response follows ----

    Oh wait, the 'setting' to 'hide on this page' isn't really a setting. It gets unset each time you restart the browser.

    And 1password relying on a right click menu to unhide wouldn't work on this page because FEMA seems to have disabled right click menus.

    So if you work on making this setting a real setting and permanent, you should figure out a way to undo it.

  • bh444
    Community Member

    I saw in a different thread that you can drag/drop the 2nd password. Of course this won't work on my relatives machine because on his laptop, the field is hidden by the 1password popup, and he doesn't do windows, just window (singular) and everything full screen.

    Every 1password employee should have to manage their parents and grandparents passwords so that UI fluff would be less important than just making things work and keeping UI changes to a minimum.

  • ag_mike_d
    edited October 2022

    Hello @bh444,

    Thanks for your message. To keep the details and discussion in one place, I've replied to your alternate message here and closed this discussion.

This discussion has been closed.