1Password on new Mac pre-fill account info

Community Member

Hello, I recently switched to a new Mac and iPhone a while ago. I have always noticed that as soon as I install the app, it already has my account details and just need me to enter the master password and second factor.
I have a couple questions:
1) Where is this information stored? I am assuming it's using iCloud?
2) How is the login information (email, secret key, etc) is protected so other apps do not have access to it?

I would appreciate if someone can help answer this.
Apologies in advance if it's already answered, but my search attempt failed

1Password Version: 8.9.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.6
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hey there @virtualh

    We use iCloud Keychain to store your 1Password account details (without the account password), matching the functionality of the Emergency Kit. Using iCloud Keychain like this makes it easy to sign into your 1Password account on all your Apple devices using the same Apple ID.

    You can find these account details by opening the Keychain Access utility on your Mac and searching for b5credentials. These files are protected by the keychain's password (typically your macOS user password), and contain (for each 1Password account):

    • sign-in address (typically https://my.1password.com/)
    • email address
    • Secret Key
    • URL to the account's avatar
    • date the account was last used

    They don't contain the account password, as this never sits on disk in any form. I hope that answers your question fully, but please do let me know if I can be of any further help. :)

    — Grey

  • virtualh
    Community Member

    Thank you. This does answer my question.

  • On behalf of Grey, you're welcome.

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