Can I bring all my devices from 7 to 8 incrementally and have them stay in sync in the process?

Community Member

I think the title says it all.

1Password Version: 7.9.6 70906003
Extension Version: 2.3.8
OS Version: 12.6
Browser:_ Chrome and Safari
Referrer: forum-search:can 8 coexist with 7?


  • ag_tommy
    edited October 2022


    Yes, provided all of the devices support 1Password 8. I would recommend that approach myself. One key thing is do you have a Primary vault as in one that is not part of a membership? If so, you'll need to take some extra care to make sure you do not end up with duplicates. You indicated you're already using 1Password in the browser which is membership only so I think you'll be good to go. If you have any trouble we'll be glad to try and assist you. If you have account related questions we cannot handle those in the community. For that you'll need to email us using Be sure to use the email address tied to the account in question when doing so to expedite the process.

  • mrolfer30
    Community Member

    The tool you provide for duplicate finding is inadequate on V7 and I was hoping for improvement on V8 but all I found were suggestions to install V7 to clean up duplicates created by migrating to V8. Little incentive to upgrade from my perspective.

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