Auto-lock simply does not work.

Community Member

I have a home computer and security is seldom an issue so I have auto lock set for 8 hours. It just does not work. Some days, every time I want to use 1Pass, I have to enter my login credentials. This is really painful. Do you have a solution?

I am using Windows 10 - up to date - and typically Firefox - up to date - as my browser. My security software is Bitdefender. 1Password is up to date at version 8.9.5

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:auto-lock


  • Hi @wlclev42,

    Thanks for your comments about auto-lock not working. We're happy to help!

    For testing purposes, have you tried a shorter interval, such as 1 minute and are still seeing troubles? Additionally, does your device go to sleep on it's own? This Auto-lock setting is related to a system's idle time and we've see cases where something else on a a user's device is preventing it from reaching an idle state and going to sleep. I'll leave an article below that discusses this further:

    Some days, every time I want to use 1Pass, I have to enter my login credentials.

    Can you tell more about when and where this happens? For example, is this with the 1Password 8 app, 1Password in the browser, or when you attempt to

    Looking forward to your reply.

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