Importing from BitWarden [Solved]

edited October 2022 in Windows
This discussion was created from comments split from: feature: reorder fields within a section.


  • Reiii
    Community Member

    Hi! I'm in the midst of trying 1Password and attempting to convert from Bitwarden. Lack of this features makes transition hard, especially with the wonky CSV method, meanwhile MRC converter doesn't work for me for some reason.

    I'd also be happy to see the feature get implemented! Thanks!

  • Hello @Reiii,

    Thanks for your message and for trying out 1Password. I've split this conversation off from your original post so we can assist with the importing troubles, I hope you don't mind.

    I'd like to provide our guide about Moving your data into your account on in hopes that will help with the CSV import process.

    With regards to the MRC converter not working, could you please reply with some additional details and perhaps @MrC could lend a hand here?

    I'd also be happy to see the feature get implemented! Thanks!

    Regarding your feature request to reorder fields within a section, I've cast a vote on your behalf. 👍

    ref: IDEA-I-372

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    Yes, please, some more details. Ultimately your conversion will look something like:

    $ perl bitwarden -v testfiles/bitwarden/bitwarden.json
    Import summary:
        4 items discovered
        3 items were added by splitting 1 original item
    Export summary:
        1 Credit Card item
        1 Driver License item
        1 Identity item
        1 Login item
        1 Secure Note item
        1 Passport item
        1 Social Security Number item
        7 total items
    You may now import the file below into 1Password 8:

    Please let me know which version of BitWarden you are using, and what issue you had.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    Please download the updated version of the suite. Yesterday, I inadvertenly added something that would cause an import failure (custom icon code, which was adding a value to each record in not quite the correct way).

    Here's the run I just performed:

    Sorry about the trouble.

  • Reiii
    Community Member
    edited October 2022

    Hi @MrC !

    The conversion output as follow:
    `C:\Users\Reika\Desktop\mrc-converter-suite>perl -v -a -t bw bitwarden ..\1P\pm_export.json
    Import summary:
    282 items discovered
    Export summary:
    3 Credit Card items
    4 Identity items
    26 Secure Note items
    249 Login items
    282 total items
    You may now import the file below into 1Password 8:


    I just re-export it again via web vault, it should be 2022.10.0!

    It just gives this unhelpful error

    Should I be sending you the diagnostic log? Does it contain sensitive information?


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited October 2022


    Our posts crossed paths. I just updated the suite, as mentioned in the post above. I found the issue and resolved it. Please exit your command shell, trash your mrc-converter-suite folder and redownload / unzip.

    Then, relaunch the shell, change folders to the mrc-converter-suite as per the Windows instructions in Step 2: Convert. You don't need to reinstall modules. So you will follow steps 3 to 5, skip step 6, perform 7 and 8.

  • Reiii
    Community Member

    @MrC Thanks! I just downloaded the latest suite and it works flawlessly!!

    Thank you very much!!

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Excellent, @Reiii

    I'm very sorry for the trouble. Enjoy 1Password!

  • Reiii
    Community Member

    You're too humble, sir! On the bright side, I helped spotting a bug!

  • I'm glad to hear everything is working well for you @Reiii!

    Thanks for the assist @MrC 😄

This discussion has been closed.