With 1Password 7, it was configured to require the master password to enable touch every 24 hours.

Community Member

After upgrade to v8, the options are now:

  • Never
  • every 2 weeks
  • every 30 days

Why can't I set it to every 24 hours (or every day)?

1Password Version: 1Password for Mac 8.9.4
Extension Version: 2.3.8
OS Version: macOS 12.6
Browser:_ Firefox
Referrer: forum-search:master password to enable touch id upgrade


  • Hello @terriz! 👋

    1Password 8 doesn't currently include an option to require your password every 24 hours and I've passed along your feedback to our product team so that they can look into adding such as option in the future.


    ref: IDEA-I-1796

This discussion has been closed.