1Password for Mac 8.9.4 backup

Community Member

I have the 1Password for Mac 8.9.4 ( I think NOT from Appstore )
Iv'e exported all data to a secure USB Drive for Backup.

In addition , I also want to export all Data ( 3 different vaults ) as a PDF files to see all data ( Not as a single file )
My previos 1Password from Appstore gave me option to backup as a PDF by select all data and save ...
How can I do the same with the present 1password version ?

1Password Version: 8.9.4
Extension Version: 2.3.8
OS Version: macOS 12.6
Browser:_ safari


  • Hello @ronen! 👋

    In general, there's no need to backup your items manually since your data is already backed up to your 1Password account in the cloud. If you accidentally delete an item you can always restore it from your 1Password account on 1Password.com: View and restore previous versions of items

    Your encrypted data is replicated to redundant copies on our end to guard against any data loss.

    My previos 1Password from Appstore gave me option to backup as a PDF by select all data and save ... How can I do the same with the present 1password version ?

    1Password 8 for Mac doesn't include the ability to Print to PDF. That being said, I've passed along your request for such a feature to our product team so that they can look into this. 🙂


    ref: IDEA-I-1458

  • ronen
    Community Member

    Ok. Thank you.
    Please advise when it will be available to print to pdf , As I keep the pdf in a local separate secure usb.
    Or an easy way to return to 1P AppStore version.

  • amcd
    Community Member

    I would also like to "echo" the request for PDF backup to 1P8.... My family and I will not move from 1P7 to 1P8 unless we can backup via PDF to our own secure/protected drives.

    In regard to your comment.... "In general, there's no need to backup your items manually since your data is already backed up to your 1Password account in the cloud" ... with respect, that comment is somewhat concerning.

    Many cloud backup systems have proved somewhat vulnerable and it is not clear what third party or your own servers you guys are using in EU or Canada.

    I saw an early comment from one of you guys that local backup storage is not secure. It can be VERY secure on HDD or Flash Drivesw, and it is a desirable customer option. Believe it or not your customers can do this safely.

    The removal of local PDF backup ( as previously supported for years until 1P8) should remain a customer decision. I am aware of the other backup export options that are supported on 1P8. They essentially need MS Excel (or another spreadsheet app) PLUS lot of work to make these spreadsheet files as usable as PDF exports.

  • amcd
    Community Member

    Before you respond with the fact that the cloud files are encrypted... This does not change my concerns.

  • ronen
    Community Member

    Fully agree!

  • @amcd and @ronen

    Even if our servers were to completely blow up and disappear tomorrow you would still have access to your 1Password items on your devices. The 1Password app maintains a local offline copy of your data in addition to backing everything up to 1Password.com.

    That being said, I've shared your comments with our product team. While I can't promise anything I can say that they will consider the feature request for future updates. 🙂


  • dylan08
    Community Member


    I also would prefer to have the option to print all items to PDF.
    I store them printed in my bank locker. Not everyone is able to use 1Password. So if I and my wife pass away there is a printed version for all accounts available.

  • ronen
    Community Member

    I don't a software expert , Just a plain user. I think that print option all items locally to PDF is not something complicated to add.

  • amcd
    Community Member

    Regarding Dave's comment ....

    I am fully aware that there is a local 1P backup BUT that still implies the need for 1P to access the passwords, PLUS the technical knowledge to "drive" 1P.

    Since 1P8 first arrived on the scene, I have seen no willingness to do anything substantive on this blog other than (to quote Dave) ... "That being said, I've shared your comments with our product team. While I can't promise anything I can say that they will consider the feature request for future updates".

    Until that PDF update is done, I am still using 1P7 and may need to move away from 1Password (an app I subscribed to for many years and loved). That would be a sad day.

    I have also found that 1P is not a great place to securely store documents since the 1GB ceiling is too low in this day and age. I would be prepared to pay for more storage. It is also curious that the Mac app store only has 1P7?

    Please don't just leave these requests in a low energy "desired update queue"... PLEASE ESCALATE THESE ISSUES TO YOUR FOUNDER DAVE TEARE.

    So I guess I am asking the 1P team to be conscious of and more sensitive to the fact that less technical family members may need emergency access to my passwords in a easy manner. That is fundamentally why PDF backups are very important.

    Regarding the dylan08 / ronen comments ...

    I think dylan08 is right, not everyone would understand 1Password. My family has one or two very basic Mac/PC users however; only one person uses 1P (but struggles with it). Furthermore; that individual would not be able to use a spreadsheet very well but understands like most PC/Mac users how to use PDFs.

    Just like dylan08... to cover an emergency I needed to find a way to make sure my family can access my passwords independently from 1P.

    So, I act in a similar way to dylan08 but.... I do not store printed copies anywhere... I do not have a private bank vault and would be nervous of giving any printed 1P7 PDF copy to my attorney or accountant (or for that matter, anyone).

    My family has enough basic PC/Mac knowledge to deal with the following approach.

    My approach is to store the 1P7 PDF backup on drives with very strong encryption. It is actually easy to make such secure, encrypted volumes, but perhaps beyond the expertise of basic PC/Mac users.

    Such drives can be safely stored without the need for banks vaults etc.

    I can share the location of the encrypted drives plus the very strong password (which I change regularly) with my family.

    I have successfully tested this approach with my family. It is easy for them to decrypt and successfully open PDF data on my secure drives.

  • ronen
    Community Member
    edited November 2022

    I want to copy all items. Can't find a copy option
    Please advise.

    1Password Version: 1Password for Mac 8.9.8 (80908009)
    Extension Version:_2.4.1
    _OS Version:
    13.0.1 (22A400)
    Browser:_ Safari

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @ronen, select Duplicate, and it will ask you where you want to place the copies.

  • ronen
    Community Member
    edited November 2022

    I don't want to save a copy in another 1Password vault ...
    I want to save in Finder's macOS

  • @ronen

    I want to save in Finder's macOS

    If you're looking to export your items from 1Password then you can use the export feature: How to export data from 1Password

    If that's not what you're trying to do then can you tell me a little more about why you're looking to copy items and where specifically you'd like to place them?


  • ronen
    Community Member
    edited November 2022

    I don't want to see a file that need to open 1P to see details.
    I want to see my data in a simple PDF File that I can view and copy without any other between software.
    please see 2 print screens.

    NOT OK :

    OK ! ..............................................................

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    1Password 8 currently does not have a way to print items. I'll update your Subject to indicate that you wanted to Print as PDF (as opposed to Copy) items.

  • ronen
    Community Member

    Very disappointed.
    Thank you

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    You're welcome. If you can describe what your ultimate purpose is for the PDF print out, perhaps the 1Password folks can provide better guidance.

  • ronen
    Community Member

    In case of recovery, it is more simple to see password and logins , and other data in front of your eyes, easy copy and understand the items details.
    As of now, to make recovery, you need to use 1Password app. Why ????

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    I will let the 1Password folks fully address this, @ronen, but will mention what's been stated here before just to give you some feedback.

    The 1Password folks place a great deal of importance in their 1Password server, its backups, etc. so that folks like us don't have to worry about data loss from that end.

    The Emergency Kit allows you to access your data via the 1Password.com web interface, so you would not need to install the a desktop or mobile app to quickly access your data.

    A 1PUX export will contain all of your account vaults and records, so you can retain an emergency backup using this. And it has the benefit of being comprehensive, where a PDF or CSV print out is quite lossy. And the 1PUX can be re-imported, or converted if necessary, so you're not locked into the 1Password ecosystem.

    Hopefully this helps a bit. I'll leave addressing your issue here to the 1Password folks now.

  • ronen
    Community Member

    Ps . Sometimes you just want to walk over your 1password data 1. To find and discover data that you don’t want/ need or so.
    A simple pdf file is so convenient!
    Also, The previous 1password version was able to do this as I have “old” PDF’s files.
    Don’t understand why now it’s impossible.

  • Dave_1P
    edited November 2022


    1Password 8 is a completely new app and all features haven't yet made it into the app. We do have an open feature request to bring printing to 1Password 8 and I've added your voice there so that the product team is aware that this is something that you'd like to see.

    That being said, I generally don't recommend that you print your passwords since that will remove them from the secure and encrypted environment of 1Password. Any exported or printed copy of your passwords will be in plain text and so will be readable by anyone who views it. Most importantly, 1Password's protections and security will no longer apply to your passwords.

    1Password is designed to allow you to easily browse and review your items inside of the 1Password app itself. Can you tell me a little more about why you'd like to view your items in a PDF rather than from inside of the app? If you can provide me with specific feedback then I can pass that along to the product team so that they can look into improving the app so that you don't need to print your items at all in the future.


    ref: IDEA-I-1458

  • ronen
    Community Member

    Hi Dave.
    Anyone who’s using 1password knows “what’s inside “
    Regarding my feedback to add a PDF option, please see this thread above, I will quote:
    “ In case of recovery, it is more simple to see password and logins , and other data in front of your eyes, easy copy and understand the items details.
    As of now, to make recovery, you need to use 1Password app. ”

  • Dave_1P
    edited December 2022


    I'm not quite sure what you mean by "recovery" in this context. Do you mean that you'd like to have a backup of all of your items in a PDF in case you lose access to the 1Password app itself?

    Or are you referring to recovering another account other than your 1Password account?


  • ronen
    Community Member

    YES !!!!
    So simple.

  • @ronen

    Thank you for the reply. It looks like we've previously discussed using a PDF as a backup in another thread back in October so I've merged your recent thread with the older thread to keep the conversation in one place.

    At the moment, there isn't a way to print items to a PDF using 1Password 8 but your feedback and request has been passed along to the product team. As MrC mentioned above, exporting to a 1PUX or CSV would be the best option for now. 🙂


  • ronen
    Community Member

    Thank you !

  • I'm happy to help. Thank you again for your feedback. 🙂


This discussion has been closed.