1password with Apps that require additional authentication

Community Member

My example

I use my personal 1Password account for work. It's great. We use cloud first approach with JumpCloud as our AD provider.

The thing is Apps like Teams and Outlook seem to require me to login against jump-cloud after launching .

These apps seem so fire up a web view to do the authentication with MS/Jumpcloud.

Using the shortcut for 1password quick-access, does not recognise window that pops up and so doesn't auto find the correct password.
Yes I can start by typing the record I am looking for.

But like websites I would like to target Apps and windows that popup in those apps.
I know on Mac you can use app:// to target desktop apps and have used this with some success in the past, usually when that app just requires its own login.

Ideally I would like in 1 password to drag a "Target" from the 1password App to the UI and that would grab the Window/App reference and create the link for me.

Does anyone know a way I can achieve this?

1Password Version: 8.x.x
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.4
Browser:_ Edge


  • Hi @TBoned87

    If you bring up Quick Access (usually with Shift–Command–Space), then find the item you want to link to the active app, you can press Shift–Enter to Autofill it into the app in question. 1Password will ask you if you want to "Fill Once" or "Fill & Update Login". Choosing "Fill & Update Login" will add that target app to the Linked Apps section for that item in 1Password.

    Have a try of that and let me know how you get on. If you need any help, I'll be here. :)

    — Grey

  • TBoned87
    Community Member

    Ok will try that.

  • TBoned87
    Community Member

    Hi @GreyM1P
    So that got me there, your If i clicked autofill it asked me(which is the prompt i was missing). I thought Autofill would open a new browser and try to login with it.
    Was not aware it would try to wire it back
    I'll update the shortcut to suit me but the concept worked.

  • @TBoned87 – Thanks for the update and I'm glad to hear it worked! If you need anything from us, we'll be here to help. :)

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