Changed email on 1P 8 Mac and now locked out

Community Member

Hi all,

Seems like I've found a bug with 1Password 8 (not sure of the version but it was the current non-beta). Decided to change my email for the account. Everything worked OK and I retyped the new email on my phone and computer. Then 10 min passed and my Mac 1P asked to retype the master password to reenable Touch ID. A little bit odd. Tried to retype it and it constantly shows "Wrong password". After about 5 tries and a little bit of a panic, looked at the iPhone and everything still is there. Went to the browser and accessed the vault(s) through that. It just seems that 1P 8 for some reason did not want to accept the master password.

Deleted 1P (used AppCleaner) and re-downloaded again and still was running into the same issue. There's no way to completely log out of the account (I'm assuming for some reason the email didn't change and now I'm trying to enter a password of non-existing account?) because the "Sign in with another account" button is greyed out.

Additionally, the issue is localized to 1P 8. If I delete 1P 8 and download 1P 7 from App store, then I'm able to access the account. Tried to then move from 1P 7 to 1P 8 and again... the same issue. Now I'm back to 1P 7.

Anyone got ideas how to solve this?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Welcome to the 1Password Support Community, @bondars! Sorry to hear you're experiencing this and thanks for explaining it in such detail.

    It sound like you already have, but double check that you can see all your data on and that you have an up to date Emergency Kit on hand. Afterwards, try the steps on this guide under To remove your 1Password data: How to uninstall 1Password

    Let me know how that goes or if you have any questions along the way. 🙂

  • bondars
    Community Member

    Andrew, thank you very much! This solved the issue (forced 1P 8 to allow me to sign in).

  • Thanks @bondars for the message. Sorry for the trouble.

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