My 1Password 8 Safari extension does not give me the option to unlock with biometrics


I no longer see the Face ID option on my phone or iPad and I don't have the Touch ID option on my MacBook Pro. Instead I have to type in my password every time. This happened approximately when I updated to 1Password 8. I hope this is either unintentional or that I'm doing something wrong?

1Password Version: 8.9.4
Extension Version: 2.3.8
OS Version: macOS 13.0 beta, iOS / iPad OS 16.0.3
Browser:_ Safari
Referrer: forum-search:My 1Password 8 Safari extension does not give me the option to unlock with biometrics


  • BryanPlatt
    Community Member

    Having the same problem with IOS (iPhone 14 Pro on 16.03, and iPad Pro on 15.7). Pretty sure I USED to be able to authenticate with FaceID, can't now.

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