How to create folders per customer to sort their passwords

Community Member

I come from LastPass and Bitwarden.
I used to group all the passwords per customer in their own folder that I created.

What's best practice in 1Password?

1Password Version: 8.9.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    Two methods might work best for you:

    1. Create one vault per customer, and place passwords into the appropriate vault.
    2. Use Tags, and add a per-customer tag to items.

    You can use collections to show / hide vaults (so you could configure a collection to show, for example, only customer vaults).

  • jordidebueger
    Community Member

    I tried using tags but it’s difficult to assign tags to a newly added password. It’s not alphabetically sorted (you’ll see a list all the tags together). I think creating a vault per customer is the best way to organize passwords per customer

  • Hi @jordidebueger 👋🏻

    I agree a vault sounds like the better solution for your use case and appreciate your feedback about tags. I can certainly see how it would be useful if potential tags for new items appeared alphabetically. In case it helps, you can filter tags by typing and then use your arrow keys to navigate down the list and select a tag. Once items are already created, you can also drag them (or select multiple and drag the group) to a certain tag in the side bar to assign it.

    Let me know how things go or if you have any questions. 🙂

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