Fill form without password


I'm using 1Password on Chrome, but I think that is the same also in other browsers.

I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to auto-compile a form where there isn't a password. For example on this website:

There is a form where I need to insert my pass number, emission date, and my surname. There isn't a password field and so it seems that I'm unable to save login data with 1Password.

Any suggestion/workaround?


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 2.3.8
OS Version: macOS 12.6
Browser:_ Chrome


  • Hey @fabiograsso,

    I have done some testing on this page and you're right, because it isn't a standard login form 1Password isn't offering to save or fill the fields. I have, however, managed to come up with a workaround for you. Here are the steps:

    1. Open your 1Password and choose '+ New Item'.
    2. Choose Login, give it a title and paste into the website field.
    3. Create a custom field by clicking 'Add more' then choose 'Text'.
    4. Replace the 'Text' title with 'panum' and add your Annual pass number in the field.
    5. Repeat this process titling the fields exactly as I have in my screenshot below:

    1. Once you have done this, click 'Save'.

    You should now be able to fill the fields on this page by clicking on the 1Password icon in your browser toolbar followed by the 'Autofill' button.

    Let me know how you get on!

  • fabiograsso
    Community Member

    Hi @steph.giles! Thank you for the suggestion. I've tried to create a new item as suggested. It works fine on my PC.

    On my iPhone using the Safari extension I've found a weird behavior: if I open the website, click on the 1Password extension, and then on Autofill, nothing happens.
    If I open the entry, tap on the website URL and choose "Open and fill", it opens a new tab, and at this point it works.

    Seems like a bug in the Safari mobile extension.

    In any case, I've found a good solution for not having to copy&paste my pass number every time ;-) thanks for your help!

  • vidario
    Community Member

    @steph.giles, how did you retrieve the name of the various fields? Is there an easy way to do this without analysing the entire page structure? I know, for example, that Bitwarden has a very simple function to copy the custom field name. Is there something similar in 1password? Thank you!

  • steph.giles
    edited October 2022


    I'm glad that works well for you 🙂.

    As for the behaviour you are experiencing on your iPhone, can you clarify if this is something you are seeing across all websites or is this site specific?


    In order to find the name I inspected the input field element and found its name attribute using the browser web inspector. We do however, have an internal feature request to collect and save the fields within 1Password even if a page isn't a login form. I will add your voice to this in the hope this is something we can implement in the future.

    Let me know if you have any questions!

    ref: IDEA-I-1437

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