Dropbox for MacOS 12 migration and 1Password 7

Community Member

Just updated to MacOS 12.6.1 and got a message from Dropbox saying it wants to do a migration which will result in my Dropbox folder moving to "a more secure location" in ~/Library/CloudStorage.

I'm a little concerned as I have been using 1Password for AGES and have constantly maintained my primary vault on Dropbox. When I go to 1Password Settings --> Sync I have the single Primary vault in the list, and it's set to sync with Dropbox, and it shows the location down below ( > Dropbox > 1password.opvault).

However, that location doesn't seem to be able to be changed, and it's been so long since I set it up, I'm paranoid that if my Dropbox location changes including the .opvault file, 1Password isn't going to be able to find it anymore.

In the root of my Dropbox I have 4 files: 1Password.agilekeychain, 1Password.opvault, one that starts with my name and ends in "passfile.pkpass" and one that also begins with my name but ends in .onepassword-license. Is 1Password still going to find the files it needs after a Dropbox move?

Thank you.

1Password Version: 7.9.6
Extension Version:
OS Version: macOS 12.6.1
Browser:_ Firefox
Referrer: forum-search:dropbox


  • Hi there @IceColdMax

    If you're having trouble with any legacy sync method, such as Dropbox, please send us an email to support+forum@1password.com including a link to this thread. You'll receive a conversation number, which looks like [#ABC-12345-123] in a reply from BitBot – please post that here and I'll make sure your enquiry lands with the right team. :)

    — Grey

  • apeeters
    Community Member

    @IceColdMax have you been able to get 1Password 7 working after the Dropbox change/upgrade?

  • IceColdMax
    Community Member

    Hi @apeeters. Apologies to all for leaving this comment to get stale.

    I didn't proceed with the dropbox changeover with 1password because I actually had another issue with 1password that was causing me some grief. Having had 1password for ages, I think sometime between versions 4 and 7 there was an update which meant I ended up having two vaults running simultaneously: my desktop was able to only see one of them but on my phone I had two vaults: a "Primary" and a "Primary.opvault". It was causing me so much trouble because if I'd accidentally save a password to the wrong one on my phone, I wouldn't be able to see it on my computer. But I couldn't just delete the old one because it was considered as my original Primary vault.

    It was a mess, and since I'd been wanting to update anyway, I ended up first doing a huge audit of both of my vaults, removing duplicates and deleting old passwords etc, and then upgrading to 1password 8 (yes, paying the subscription for it). This moved my primary vault to the 1password servers and removed the need for dropbox altogether.

    Sorry, I know that probably doesn't help anyone since I just avoided the problem by throwing money at it.

  • snipes
    Community Member

    The Dropbox migration on MacOS 12 worked fine for me. 1Password 7 sync settings updated on their own to the new folder location under ~Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox and continues to sync successfully. No issues noticed since this migration.

  • apeeters
    Community Member

    I just performed the Dropbox update and can also confirm that 1Password 7 still works as before. Thanks @snipes and IceColdMax for your feedback!

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