All items' use dates were reset after migration from OP7 standalone to OP8 cloud vault

Community Member

Hi, I just migrated my OP7 standalone vaults to a OP8 cloud vault today and all my items now are missing last used dates. Everything now says never used. How can I get back the last-used dates for each item?

1Password Version: 8.9.8 (80908001)
Extension Version: 2.4.1
OS Version: macOS 13 (Ventura)
Browser:_ Safari Technology Preview
Referrer: forum-search:last used date gone


  • Hi @CasualDeveloper,

    Thanks for making the upgrade to 1Password 8! The "last used" data for your items will be newly generated as you continue to use them. Hopefully in the time since you first posted this you've already seen this, but let me know if that hasn't been the case and we can certainly investigate.

    In the mean time, some other ways to organize your items and keep certain ones more visible are Favourites and Collections:

    Let me know how things are going and we can take it from there. 🙂

    PS, it took me a second to recognize Connor in your photo, great game!

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