whenever 1Password finds a duplicate password, it triggers a floating window.

Community Member

How can I remove these annoying windows ? (which prevent me from doing anything useful and hence waste my time)

1Password Version: 1Password 7 Version 7.9.5 (70905003) 1Password Sto
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 10.13.6
Browser:_ Safari
Referrer: forum-search:how to get rid of annoying reused password floating window?


  • Hi there @michelangelo

    I wouldn't expect to see any pop-up windows appear without having clicked Open in New Window, so I'd be interested to see what's going on here.

    If you haven't already, try completely quitting 1Password by clicking the 1Password menu > Quit 1Password Completely. Then open it again, and see if that helps. If not, try restarting your Mac.

    After those, if you're still having trouble, could you email us at support+forum@1password.com, including a link to this thread? You'll get an auto-reply from BitBot containing a conversation number, which looks like [#ABC-12345-123]. Post that number here and I'll make sure your enquiry ends up with the right team. :)

    — Grey

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