1Password 8 - window disappears into background when clicking anyway

Community Member

This is happening quite regularly (but luckily not all the time):

I pull up 1Password either via Spotlight or Cmd-Tab, search for an item and click on the item name. When clicking the window disappears into the background. I have to restart 1Password once this happens.

1Password Version: 8.9.8
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Ventura 13.0
Browser:_ Safari


  • Hi there @Theuni

    That doesn't sound right! It would be helpful if we could take a look at 1Password's logs while this happens, so I'd like to ask you to create a diagnostics report from your Mac:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Mac)

    Attach the diagnostics to an email message addressed to support+forum@1password.com.

    ⚠️ Do not post your diagnostics report here.

    With your email please include:

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks very much! :)

    — Grey

  • Theuni
    Community Member

    Will do, thanks!

  • chrisdsearle
    Community Member

    Did you get anywhere with this issue? Seeing the same (also ventura, v8.9.8).

    It's as if its not accepting click input - whatever window is behind where you clicked in 1password jumps to the top as if it were clicked instead.

  • chrisdsearle
    Community Member

    Just to check that - I moved everything out of the way - then clicked onto 1password and dragged - it started showing a selection border on the desktop.

    Really does seem like 1p is invisible to the mouse.

  • @chrisdsearle – Do you find this also happens after the following?

    • fully quitting 1Password by right-clicking the icon in the menu bar then choosing Quit
    • logging out of your Mac and logging back in
    • restarting your Mac

    If you haven't already, could you try those (ideally, in that order) and let me know the outcome? That would be a big help. :)

  • chrisdsearle
    Community Member

    I will test the next time it happens :)

  • @chrisdsearle – Thanks! Let me know what you find out. It might prove useful in working out what the root cause is. :)

  • chrisdsearle
    Community Member

    Last time (last night) I was able to use the interface via keyboard (tab, shift-tab, space to activate etc). Just not click on it with the mouse.

    Normal popup "fill these fields" in the browser was also OK.

    Will test next time the issue turns up.

  • @chrisdsearle – Perfect, thank you. :)

  • Theuni
    Community Member

    I just managed to capture the diagnostics when it happened, the behaviour is consistent with what @chrisdsearle describes. I haven't received an issue number yet, though.

  • @Theuni

    Your report is here. I appreciate you sending it. Someone from the team will get back to you as soon as possible.

    ref: YER-98257-184

  • chrisdsearle
    Community Member

    Happened today - was in a meeting so didn't manage to capture diags - but I was able to test that simply restarting 1password fixed the issue.

  • Appreciate the update, @chrisdsearle! While I acknowledge it's not an ideal solution, I'm glad to hear restarting the app got you back up and running for the time being. If you come across the behaviour again and are able to generate a diagnostic report after, our door is always open. 🙂

  • Theuni
    Community Member

    I'm on the beta channel (1Password for Mac 8.9.10 (80910026)) and this is still happening A LOT. I know it's annoying when people complain, but I really have to say that I haven't found a thing that 1P8 does better than 7 from my perspective and it's doing a lot of things wrong and getting really in my way. Frustration is getting quite high. :(

  • BRobertsson
    Community Member

    This happens on my laptop as well. Basically when I click on the 1Passport app, it gets sent to the background - like Z-ordering is changed to 'send to back' rather than foreground. MacOS 12.6.1, 1Password 8.9.8.
    I can't really explain how agitating this is. It also means sometimes you paste the incorrect thing, like the password into the username field which could be bad.

  • @Theuni,

    Sorry to hear the issue persists even on the beta release channel, we'll continue to investigate on our end and hopefully come to a solution. In the meantime, if the behaviour is exclusive to the main app window, I recommend making full use of Quick Access and the 1Password browser extension. I recognize this isn't ideal and thank you for your patience while we work on this.


    I can certainly understand how this would interrupt your workflow and apologize for the inconvenience. I'd like to ask you to create a diagnostics report from your Mac:

    Attach the diagnostics to an email message addressed to support+forum@1password.com along with a link to this thread and your forum username.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here so we can link the two conversations. The diagnostic report will help us better understand what's happening on your device.

    Looking forward to hearing from you and let me know if you have any questions. 🙂

    ref: dev/core/core#13788
    ref: dev/core/core#17822

  • Theuni
    Community Member

    I think the issue has improved. Not sure whether it's really gone, though. 1P switched back to the production channel for some reason (does that happen automatically after a release?) and I'm on 80911019, on PRODUCTION channel now. I think I haven't seen the bug for a few days but I'm not quite willing to declare victory, yet ...

  • Glad to hear it, @Theuni, keep us posted if you notice anything!

    Setting the release channel in 1Password 8's settings will switch your app once the next release in the selected channel is available. So, for example, if you were on beta previously but selected production in the settings, you'd remain on beta until another production build was released. Assuming automatic updates are on, you'd be moved to that production build automatically. 😊

  • Theuni
    Community Member

    Hmm. I'm still on the beta release channel. I guess this just means that there currently is no beta release?

This discussion has been closed.