Sync vs Only Local

Community Member


I recently upgraded to 1P8 with a member subscription, and have a question:

How can I divide the items I save to 1P (be it logins, secure notes or whatever) essentially into two discrete buckets:
1. Items that are synced across all my linked devices
2. Items that remain local on a single device

Can I set up 2 distinct vaults and define one as non-sync, or how would I best achieve this?

Thanks for your help

1Password Version: 1Password for Mac 8.9.8 (80908009)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 12.5
Browser:_ Firefox


  • Hey there @somebloke

    All of your 1Password vaults will sync to all your devices where you're signed in with your 1Password account. It's not possible to set certain vaults to be local-only. If you'd like to temporarily exclude one or more vaults from this sync (across all devices), you can turn on Travel Mode: Use Travel Mode to remove vaults from your devices when you travel.

    Please let me know if you have any questions, or would like any further help. :)

    — Grey

  • somebloke
    Community Member

    Thank you for the response.

    So am I right in thinking that if I set up 2 vaults and leave one of them permanently in travel mode I kinda achieve the same effect?

    Would you put this on a feature request list for future versions please?

  • @somebloke

    So am I right in thinking that if I set up 2 vaults and leave one of them permanently in travel mode I kinda achieve the same effect?

    Sort of, yes. You'd need to sign in to to see the vault you'd hidden – it wouldn't appear on any of your devices.

    Would you put this on a feature request list for future versions please?

    We've moved away from standalone vaults entirely, and our founder Dave explains why here:

    There's more detail in that post which I hope will explain the rationale for that decision.

This discussion has been closed.