Auto-lock for 1Password 8 tied to ScreenSaver setting

Community Member

Long long time user of 1Password. Love the application, in fact, the only password saver app I will ever use. Still trying to get my hear around 1Password 8 so I might have missed something here. Apologies if that is the case. I like to have 1Password opened during my complete work session (ie several hours at a time). I love the option of setting the time for 1Password to Lock. I can keep it open for 4 hours, 8 Hours or Never. But, if I select Auto-lock (because I would like 1Password to completely close if my computer sleeps or changes users) then it is also tied to the screensaver timeout. Since my screensaver activates every 10 minutes this negates the ability to keep 1Password open during my work session. Net net, I am constantly having to reenter my master password. An Enhancement Suggestion would be to separate Auto-lock into 3 checkboxes: "ScreenSaver", "Computer Sleep" and "Switching Users". This way you could tie Auto-Lock to one, two or all three of the options. In my case I would select "Computer Sleep" and "Switching Users" and leave "ScreenSaver" unchecked. As I see it, tying Auto-lock to your screen saver timeout is very non-productive. Please consider the option for more granularity as to when Auto-lock takes place in a future version. Thanks...Michael

1Password Version: 8.9.8
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Ventura 13.0
Browser:_ Safari


  • mallory.j_1P
    edited November 2022

    Hello @mike1212,

    Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts about this. We have an open internal issue around more granular lock options, and I've added your feedback and suggestions to it. We always appreciate feedback, so thank you for letting us know this is something that's important to you!

    ref: dev/core/core#9398

  • mike1212
    Community Member

    Thank you. Appreciate your quick response. Hope to see this in some future release. Best Regards, Michael

  • You're welcome! Let us know if you have other questions :)

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