.1PIF using 1Password 8

Community Member
edited November 2022 in Mac

I temporarily need a .1PIF copy of my data but I'm using 1Password 8 on all my devices. If the only way to accomplish this is to temporarily install 1Password 7 on my Mac, what's the best way to ensure I can then remove 1Password 7 and keep all the associated 1Password 8 data files in tact? Will simply dragging 1Password 7 to the trash (and of course, not using an uninstaller) be sufficient?

1Password Version: 8.9.8
Extension Version: 2.4.1
OS Version: 13.0.1
Browser:_ Safari


  • Hey there @LarryMcJ

    In short: yes. Trashing 1Password 7 will be just fine.

    1Password 8's installer will usually zip up 1Password 7 into 1Password 7.app.zip in the Applications folder, so you don't technically need to do anything, but you can drag that .zip to the Trash if you like.

    Hope that helps! :)

    — Grey

  • LarryMcJ
    Community Member


  • @LarryMcJ – You're very welcome. Let us know if you need anything. :)

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